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January 2022

Multi-day events Multi-day events


Careers and Placement Section

Fire Up your Career Engine (FUCE) – Zoom Workshop “Building a Positive Mindset for Career Planning in Uncertain Times (Re-run)”

14:30 - 16:00

Online via Zoom


Careers and Placement Section

Fire Up your Career Engine (FUCE) – Zoom Workshop “Effective CV & Cover Letter Writing (Re-run)”

19:00 - 21:00

Online via Zoom


Careers and Placement Section

Fire Up your Career Engine (FUCE) – Individual CV Consultation “CV Go Pro” (Collaboration with HKU Convocation)

14:00 - 18:00

Online via Zoom

25/11 (Thu) 5/01 (Wed)

Careers and Placement Section

Application for Coachiever (JAN 2022 Intake) – A Career Coaching Programme for all students (Deadline: 5 Jan)

19/01 (Wed) 9/02 (Wed)

Careers and Placement Section

Application for Coachiever (FEB 2022 Intake) – A Career Coaching Programme for all students (Deadline: 9 Feb)

Event Calendar