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January 2021

Multi-day events Multi-day events


Careers and Placement Section

HKU-SCMP Innovation and Entrepreneurship Challenge 2020 - Pitching Competition

10:30 - 14:00



Counselling and Person Enrichment (CoPE) Section

PS. I See You – A Zoom Dating Experience (English)

11:00 - 13:00

An online meetup via Zoom


Student Development Team

This icon tell you this event is a deadline alertCommunity Engagement Programme: Enrichment Classes for Children of Former Inmates

23/12 (Wed) 19/02 (Fri)

Student Development Team

Deadline of Law Sun Service Learning Fund (19 February 2021)

23/12 (Wed) 19/02 (Fri)

Student Development Team

Deadline of Yang Tuck Ming & Wong Fung Ying Service Learning Fund (19 February 2021)

28/01 (Thu) 28/04 (Wed)

Student Development Team

Community Engagement Programme: Love and Care Programme for the Elderlies Living in Residential Homes

26/02 (Fri) 27/01 (Wed)

Student Development Team

This icon tell you this event is a deadline alertCommunity Engagement Programme: Enrichment Classes for Children of Former Inmates

Event Calendar