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Non-credit Bearing General Education Programmes for the Second Semester, 2017 – 2018
Search:  GE2017-

Themed ‘Connecting the Dots’, the GE programmes this semester cover a broad range of lectures, workshops, outings, as well as student-curated activities. We try to provide some links and directions for the dots you’ve come across or some nearby that you might have overlooked. So let’s refresh and start with one tiny dot.

Our Student Team (GEST) is recruiting members throughout the year to let your talents shine and to share some happy hours at the Gatherland.

Enrolment Counters
23/1 (Tue)10:00 – 17:00K.K. Leung Concourse
24/1 (Wed) onwards09:30 – 13:00 & 14:00 – 18:15GE Office, 2/F, Pao Siu Loong Building
Programme Title
Why We Chat?
Why We Chat?
林奕華先生 Mr. Edward Lam
一部包含491個故事的經典名著,怎樣才能擷取它的精華,變成一部三小時的舞台劇? 一個經歷五十多年考試失敗的清朝讀書人,哪些地方會和現代人的生榮死枯有着聯繫? 網戀、姐弟戀、cybe ...

Connecting the Dots – String Art Workshop
Connecting the Dots – String Art Workshop
Emily Kwok
GEST Skills SharingGEST Skills Sharing is a platform for talented students to showcase ...

Art Jamming Workshop
Art Jamming Workshop
Jenny Chan
GEST Skills SharingGEST Skills Sharing is a platform for talented students to showcase ...

Stepping into the K-pop World
Stepping into the K-pop World
Alicia Yang
GEST Skills SharingGEST Skills Sharing is a platform for talented students to showcase ...

Music and Wine
Music and Wine
劉偉民先生 Mr. Ronny Lau
美酒時而醇厚,時而淡雅,每呷一口都讓味蕾感受單寧中的甜和酸。音樂時而輕快,時而幽靜,每聽一遍都讓心跳感受頻率中的高與低。兩者看似毫無關係,實質互相交雜。專業酒(樂)評人劉偉民先生會 ...

Music Salon
Music Salon
Dr. Wong Chi Chung Elvin 黃志淙博士

Music Salon is a hub where you can connect with music lovers, share your favourite ...

Filmatic – Weekly Movie Salons curated by students
Filmatic – Weekly Movie Salons curated by students
Yuen Yuen Lung
Vincent Chen
Katerina Au
Angela Liu
Sylvia Mah
Casey Tan
Student-curators: Yuen Yuen Lung (BA & LLB Year 5)Vincent Chen (BSocSc Year 3)Katerina ...

Book Club: West meets East
Book Club: West meets East
黎慶寧先生 Mr. Peter Lai
A Passage to India by E. M. ForsterGweilo: Memories of a Hong Kong Childhood by Martin ...

Book Club: Grit
Book Club: Grit
劉進圖先生 Mr. Kevin Lau
Grit: Why Passion and Resilience are the Secrets to Success by Angela Duckworth遇到沉重打擊或面臨嚴峻 ...

Ta-Ta Party
Ta-Ta Party
It's approaching the last day of teaching of the semester. What's the better way ...

Monthly Harvest Lunch
Monthly Harvest Lunch
Freshly harvested vegetables from our own HKU Rooftop Farm are prepared and served ...

Happy Thursday – Tea from Around the World
Happy Thursday – Tea from Around the World
Suhas Bhat
Jiawen Li
Zijing Wang
Togzhan Talgatkyzy
Bayansulu Tulbassova
Ms. Yvonne Siet

International student hosts are invited to share their favourite tea and snacks from ...

Night Eco-Walk
Night Eco-Walk
Sam Yue
香港有超過50種哺乳類動物,過百種爬行及兩棲動物,還有數千種昆蟲,可惜牠們大多在夜間活動,與我們這麼近那麼遠。這個夜間生態遊將由EcoTour的專業攝影師兼導遊帶領,沿途介紹本地野 ...

Food Beyond Taste
Food Beyond Taste
歐陽應霽先生 Mr. Craig Au-yeung
胡傳建先生 Mr. Hu Chuanjian
黎建彰先生 Mr. Andy Lai
人如其食──食物對人類的意義,從不止於「放進口中」這簡單動作。我們可投放於食物上的,除了調味料之外,還有一種生活態度。 在這一節課、兩節工作坊,讓我們一起解構食物與社會文化的連繫, ...

Nature Wonder Photography Workshop in Mai Po
Nature Wonder Photography Workshop in Mai Po
蘇毅雄先生 Mr. Samson So
濕地是全球生物多樣性最豐富、生產力極高的生態環境之一,對於維持生態平衡和食物網的完整性有着不可替代的重要性。位於香港新界西北的米埔及后海灣是國際間重要的濕地,當中有着各種不同的生態 ...

Poon Choi Party @ HKU
Poon Choi Party @ HKU
Enjoy traditional and vegetarian Poon Choi, a.k.a. Big Bowl Feast, a communal dish ...

GEST Recruitment – be part of GE!
GEST Recruitment – be part of GE!
The GE team is offering 50 programmes with around 100 sessions of talks/workshops/screenin ...

Early Bird Party
Early Bird Party
Come to our party if you want to meet international friends and know more about Hong ...

A Mindful Journey: Connecting the Disconnected
A Mindful Journey: Connecting the Disconnected
曾文通先生 Mr. Tsang Man Tung
都市人每天營營役役,匆匆忙忙,甚少有空間沉澱和反思。日子久了,感官失靈,連呼吸和聆聽都要重新學習。但當心歸於身體,專注於一呼一吸,我們自會找回平衡,活在當下。 Living ...

Life Choices of Studies, Dream and Career among Three HKU Alumni
Life Choices of Studies, Dream and Career among Three HKU Alumni
張柏鴻先生 Mr. Cheung Pak Hung
李冠傑先生 Mr. Lee Kwun Kit Jay
吳梓歡先生 Mr. Ng Tsz Foon Theo
李冠傑——2008年入讀理學院/2012年畢業/現為JLMusic創辦人及營運總監 吳梓歡——2011年入讀工程學院/2012年輟學 ...

Travel with Controversy
Travel with Controversy
張偉賢先生 Mr. Wilson Cheung
梁彥宗先生 Mr. Chris Leung
鍾樂偉先生 Mr. Steve Chung
陳成軍先生 Mr. Rubio Chan
張振華先生 Mr. Jamie Cheung 
旅行這回事,你和我對這詞的定義都不一樣,有人選擇去旅行是因為他愛這個世界;有的是想找題材尋靈感;有的只是想放鬆一下。對於很多具爭議性的旅遊目的地,每個人都有不同看法,去還是不去,心 ...

Life and Death
Life and Death
陳立基醫生 Dr. Chan Lap Ki
范寧醫生 Dr. Fan Ning
梁梓敦先生 Mr. Arnold Leung
吳易叡博士 Dr. Harry Wu
王駿業 Bart Wong
死亡好像很遙遠,但我們終有一天會經歷。究竟我們如何可以從死亡看到生命的意義?讓我們透過大體老師、殯葬儀式、臨終和哀傷輔導,也從人文與音樂的角度一起探索與思考生命的本質。 ...

Two Kinds of Truth
Two Kinds of Truth
文潔華教授 Prof. Eva Man
陶國璋博士 Dr. Tao Kwok-cheung
一種真理: 1+1=2 一種真理:《紅樓夢》的意境空靈。 第一種屬於知識真理,例如數學、物理學、社會學、統計學……等等,我們稱為「外延真理」(exten ...

GE Concept Store II – Be a Curator
GE Concept Store II – Be a Curator
何慶基教授 Prof. Oscar Ho
胡卓斌先生 Mr. Renatus Wu
王天仁先生 Mr. Wong Tin Yan
上學期,同學們在導師帶領下利用舊卡板製作一系列流動裝置,令GE Gatherland2046煥然一新!現在GE概念店的設備準備就緒,是時候召喚「店長」/策展人,歡迎有興趣辦展覽(視 ...

Welcome to China
Welcome to China
馮智政先生 Mr. Jacky Fung
林和立博士 Dr. Willy Lam
黎明博士 Dr. Li Ming
Dr. David A Palmer
張贊賢博士 Dr. Peter Cheung
張潔平女士 Ms. Annie Zhang
陳振光博士 Dr. Roger Chan
盧燕珊女士 Ms. Lo Yin Shan
中國改革開放40年,國家主席習近平說要「隆重紀念」。這短短40年間,中國高速發展至全球第二大經濟體,政治、經濟的變化似乎都能牽動全球。 大量人口帶着城市夢離開農村湧進城市,可是,城 ...

The Chocolate Case: Documentary Screening and Discussion on Fair Trade and Social Entrepreneurship
The Chocolate Case: Documentary Screening and Discussion on Fair Trade and Social Entrepreneurship
Mr. Ralf Verbeek
Mr. Henry Ling
Prof. Paul Joosse
Xiao Zhilin

Under Dutch law, if you buy something produced illegally, you are liable to prosecution. ...

Within Every Woman: Screening and Discussion
Within Every Woman: Screening and Discussion
Tony Lau
Ms. Flora Chong
Mr. Sebastien Fung
Prof. Ho Sik Ying, Petula 
Within Every Woman is the shortened, educational version of the documentary The Apology ...

Female Activists in China and Hong Kong Take to the Road
Female Activists in China and Hong Kong Take to the Road
何式凝教授 Prof. Ho Sik Ying Petula
趙思樂女士 Ms. Sile Zhao
在急速變遷的時代裏,有人自我覺醒,有人被迫成長,然後跨出人生的既定道路,投身社會運動;而女性抗爭者要面對性別之間的壓迫,與強權對人的摧殘,抗爭之路更加顛簸難行。兩名分別觀察、參與及 ...

Cashless Society – Are We Ready?
Cashless Society – Are We Ready?
Dr. Henry Chang
Do you think cash will disappear one day? Or is it just a matter of time? The rapid ...

HKU Rooftop Farm & Monthly Community Day
HKU Rooftop Farm & Monthly Community Day
HKU Rooftop Farm (since 2013)This project, co-organised with the Sustainability Office ...

Growing an Edible Herb Garden
Growing an Edible Herb Garden
Sage Farmily
Growing herbs is simply a fulfilling experience – an awakening of your senses ...

Sustainable Fashion
Sustainable Fashion
Kay Wong
Toby Crispy
From the numerous fast fashion chains stores all over our city, to the 24/7 online ...

HKU Earth Month 2018 – Connectedness
HKU Earth Month 2018 – Connectedness
Technology has allowed us to be constantly connected to people and things around ...

F:A:C:E: Mentorship x Theatre
F:A:C:E: Mentorship x Theatre
何德貞女士 Ms. Ho Tak-ching
黃子珏先生 Mr. Jason, Wong Chi-kwok
羅創業先生(米高) Mr. Michael Lo
李智偉先生 Mr. Lee Chi-wai
劇場充滿各種可能性,創作是一種自我實踐。上學期F:A:C:E:師友會學員,把經過兩個多月與導師交流的學習經歷,轉化成九個短篇創作,以戲劇、舞蹈、錄像、即興表演等形式呈現觀眾眼前。這 ...

A Tribute to Yasi: Poetic Journeys in Foreign Lands
A Tribute to Yasi: Poetic Journeys in Foreign Lands
黃淑嫻博士 Dr. Mary Wong
朱耀偉教授 Prof. Stephen Chu
胡晴舫女士 Ms. Hu Ching-fang
羅貴祥教授 Prof. Lo Kwai-cheung
蕭欣浩博士   Dr. Siu Yan-ho
2017年3月,我們懷着「這座城市、人、物還是依舊嗎?」的疑問,帶着也斯的作品守望香港。踏入2018年,讓我們與喜愛周遊列國的也斯(1949 – 2013),一同蒐集異 ...

West Kowloon Cultural District Series
West Kowloon Cultural District Series
Mr. Ken Wong
Ms. Winsome Tam
Ms. Isabella Tam
Mr. Yuen Cheuk-wa
阮兆輝先生 Mr. Yuen Siu-fai
鄧樹榮先生 Mr. Tang Shu-wing
Ms. Alison M. Friedman

**Updated**West Kowloon Cultural District (WKCD) has been the largest arts and cultural ...

F:A:C:E: Master Class: Lowell Lo’s Creative Journey of Film Soundtracks
F:A:C:E: Master Class: Lowell Lo’s Creative Journey of Film Soundtracks
盧冠廷先生 Mr. Lowell Lo
盧冠廷,他的名字總會令人聯想起創作歌手/演員/環保人士/陪着你走。 其實他還另外一個「隱藏」身份——電影配樂家。每一齣電影所扣人心弦的,除了是精辟的對白、動 ...

F:A:C:E: Master Class: Chiu Tsang Hei – My Main Stage
F:A:C:E: Master Class: Chiu Tsang Hei – My Main Stage
趙增熹先生 Mr. Chiu Tsang Hei
香港樂壇曾有一段輝煌的歲月:梅艷芳、陳百強、張國榮、譚詠麟等巨星及廣東歌樂隊誕生,接着繼承的有四大天王,唱K是朋友聚會、公司慶功的指定節目,幾乎人人都有一首屬於自己的「K歌」。但近 ...

F:A:C:E: Master Class: Kung Chi Shing – From Artist to Curator
F:A:C:E: Master Class: Kung Chi Shing – From Artist to Curator
Mr. Kung Chi Shing
Born and raised in Hong Kong, Kung Chi Shing is a composer, performer, and music ...

Let’s Samba!
Let’s Samba!
Ms. Camila Albanezzi
Samba, the popular Brazilian dance, is probably one of the liveliest dance styles ...

Ear Up Lecture Series on the Music Industry
Ear Up Lecture Series on the Music Industry
李志先生 Mr. Li Zhi
馮穎琪小姐 Ms. Vicky Fung
陳偉嘉先生 Mr. Gary Chan
龔志成先生 Mr. Kung Chi Shing
雞蛋蒸肉餅 GDJYB
黃耀明先生 Mr. Anthony Wong
Mr. Mike Orange
袁智聰先生 Mr. Yuen Chi Chung
唱片銷售一蹶不振,串流音樂迅速竄起,數碼及網絡科技的革新,造就獨立音樂遍地開花。文藝復興基金會聯合產業界、學術界及創作界,呼應新音樂時代的召喚,在香港特別行政區政府「創意香港」的贊 ...

HK20+1: Screening of Student Documentaries
HK20+1: Screening of Student Documentaries
曾翠珊女士 Ms. Jessey Tsang
黃肇邦先生 Mr. Wong Siu-pong
Neighbouring 《旅居》 by Lunar Tong (BA (Urban Studies) Year 4), Leo Chow (MSocSc(Crim)) ...

F:A:C:E: Subsidy
F:A:C:E: Subsidy
F:A:C:E: 鼓勵同學創作,無論是做展覽、拍短片、出版抑或搞講座,都會幫你實現!如果你有任何創作意念,歡迎提交計劃書,F:A:C:E:將會提供協助,包括校內場地、宣傳及製作資助 ...