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“Talk with Me” Festival
“Talk with Me” Festival








By Edward Lam (Curator)

What entertainment can be enjoyed at minimal cost and with maximum benefit?

What hobby can be enjoyed with unlimited fun and few conditions?

What need has an ancient origin and could always be steered in every moment?

Chat, in Cantonese, is called ‘傾偈 (king gai)’. As a noun, ‘偈 (gai)’ originally referred to Sanskrit hymns and verses, as well as religious poems of Buddhist practitioners. ‘King gai’ therefore carries the meaning of exchanging wisdom, which also coincides with the meaning of ‘chat’. At first glance, it seems pointless, but in fact, the content can be anything, and the results are always rewarding. Therefore, the word ‘chat’ implies fun, as well as a momentary reliance.

‘Chat’ is, on one hand, very casual. On the other hand, ‘Chat’ requires mutual reliance. In the past, one could be punished for chatting in class. Nowadays, one may not be able to open oneself to ‘chat’ since childhood. In the future, language may reject individuality, while heart-to-heart chat may become history.

By then, chatting would be a ritual, only carried out in a commemorative manner, only in the ‘Talk with Me’ Festival.

Date/Time19 Feb (Wed)20 Feb (Thu)21 Feb (Fri)
13:00 – 14:00節目(一)午餐一小時 Small Talk Show
Talk 1: The not-so-lonely foodie
Talk 2: A comfortable ‘living’ without loneliness
Talk 3: I can ‘go’ wherever I want, without being lonely
16:30 – 17:30節目(二)下午茶一小時 Pick Me Up
Open Rehearsal 1: How do you start a conversation? (Episode 1)
Open Rehearsal 2: Is falling in love a matter of repeating words? (Episode 2)
Open Rehearsal 3: Are you and I living in parallel universes? (Episode 3)
19:00 – 20:30節目(三)誰來晚餐90分鐘 Rendezvous
Interview 1: Where is the horizon for opera artists?
Interview 2: Where is the horizon for musical theatre artists?
Interview 3: Where is the horizon for pop music artists?
Venue: Studio 303, CYMCC (Otherwise specified)
*The activity will be conducted in LE2, Library Extension Building.

節目(一)午餐一小時 Small Talk Show


Chat like Confessing
‘What's my favourite dish? Where's the best place I've ever travelled to? What kind of home do I like?’

主持 Host: 林奕華 Edward Lam
語言 Language: 粵語輔以普通話 Cantonese supplemented with Putonghua

Talk 1: The not-so-lonely foodie

日期 Date: 19/2/2025 (Wed)
時間 Time: 13:00 – 14:00
地點 Venue: Studio 303, CYMCC
報名 Registration:
港大學生及職員 HKU Students & Staff –

Talk 2: A comfortable ‘living’ without loneliness

日期 Date: 20/2/2025 (Thu)
時間 Time: 13:00 – 14:00
地點 Venue: Studio 303, CYMCC
報名 Registration:
港大學生及職員 HKU Students & Staff –

Talk 3: I can ‘go’ wherever I want, without being lonely

日期 Date: 21/2/2025 (Fri)
時間 Time: 13:00 – 14:00
地點 Venue: Studio 303, CYMCC
報名 Registration:
港大學生及職員 HKU Students & Staff –

節目(二)下午茶一小時 Pick Me Up


Chat like Conversing
‘Do you prefer to be active or passive?’

劇作家 Playwright|Nick Payne
讀演/綵排 Reading/Open Rehearsal|路嘉欣 Lu Chia-Hsin、王宏元 Wang Hung-yuan
語言Language: 普通話 Putonghua

Open Rehearsal 1: How do you start a conversation? (Episode 1)

日期 Date: 19/2/2025 (Wed)
時間 Time: 16:30 – 17:30
地點 Venue: Studio 303, CYMCC
報名 Registration:
港大學生及職員 HKU Students & Staff –

Open Rehearsal 2: Is falling in love a matter of repeating words? (Episode 2)

日期 Date: 20/2/2025 (Thu)
時間 Time: 16:30 – 17:30
地點 Venue: Studio 303, CYMCC
報名 Registration:
港大學生及職員 HKU Students & Staff –

Open Rehearsal 3: Are you and I living in parallel universes? (Episode 3)

日期 Date: 21/2/2025 (Fri)
時間 Time: 16:30 – 17:30
地點 Venue: Studio 303, CYMCC
報名 Registration:
港大學生及職員 HKU Students & Staff –


節目(三)誰來晚餐90分鐘 Rendezvous


Chat like Interviewing
‘If you could invite a celebrity to dinner, who would it be?’

主持 Host: 林奕華 Edward Lam
語言 Language: 粵語 Cantonese (Simultaneous interpretation will provided upon request 7 days before the event)

Interview 1: Where is the horizon for opera artists?

嘉賓 Guest Speaker: 梁非同 Leung Fei Tung
日期 Date: 19/2/2025 (Wed)
時間 Time: 19:00-20:30
地點 Venue: LE2, Library Extension
報名 Registration:
港大學生及職員 HKU Students & Staff –

Interview 2: Where is the horizon for musical theatre artists?

嘉賓 Guest Speaker: 鄭君熾 Jordan Cheng
日期 Date: 20/2/2025 (Thur)
時間 Time: 19:00-20:30
地點 Venue: Studio 303, CYMCC
報名 Registration:
港大學生及職員 HKU Students & Staff –

Interview 3: Where is the horizon for pop music artists?

嘉賓 Guest Speaker: 梁詠琪 Gigi Leung Wing-kei
日期 Date: 21/2/2025 (Fri)
時間 Time: 19:00-20:30
地點 Venue: Studio 303, CYMCC
報名 Registration:
港大學生及職員 HKU Students & Staff –

Registration starts at 10:00 on 24 Jan (Fri). Priority will be given to HKU members. The remaining spots will be open for public registration. Please stay tuned for further announcements.

報名將於1月24日(星期五)上午10:00開始。首輪報名將開放給香港大學學生及職員。剩餘名額稍後開放予公眾報名。敬請留意本網站及IG專頁( 公佈。

Date Time Venue
19 Feb 2025 13:00 - 17:30 Studio 303, CYMCC
19 Feb 2025 19:00 - 20:30 LE2, Library Extension
20 Feb 2025 13:00 - 20:30 Studio 303, CYMCC
21 Feb 2025 13:00 - 20:30 Studio 303, CYMCC
Bio of Instructor(s) 導師簡介:


香港劇場導演、編劇。1980年代與友人組成前衛劇團「進念・二十面體」。1991年旅英期間成立「非常林奕華」,先後在倫敦、布魯塞爾、巴黎、新加坡、香港、北京、上海及廣州等城市發表舞台創作。1994年憑電影《紅玫瑰白玫瑰》(關錦鵬導演)獲金馬獎最佳改編劇本。1995年回港後致力推動舞台創作,迄今編導超過70齣作品。2010年、2012年與2017年各憑《男人與女人之戰爭與和平》、《紅娘的異想世界之在西廂》與《紅樓夢》獲上海現代戲劇谷「壹戲劇大賞」年度最佳導演獎。1997年開始為香港大學通識教育部主持課程,現為香港演藝學院人文學科系兼職講師。2015年首次推出「舞台映画」,將「四大名著」系列放上大銀幕。出版著作包括《等待香港》系列、《娛樂大家》系列和《惡之華麗》系列叢書等。2016年台灣《PAR表演藝術》雜誌出版第一本研究林奕華導演作品的著作《Who’s Afraid of 林奕華:在劇場,與禁忌玩遊戲》(徐硯美著 )。 2017年獲香港藝術發展獎「藝術家年獎」(戲劇)。

Curator & Speaker | Edward Lam

Edward Lam founded Zuni Icosahedron with friends in the early 1980s and established Edward Lam Dance Theatre, where he serves as the artistic director, during his residence in London (1989-1995). Since returning to Hong Kong in 1995, he has devoted himself to theatre and directed more than 70 original productions. Lam was awarded Best Director at Shanghai theatre festival Modern Drama Valley’s One Drama Awards on several occasions, including for Men and Women, War and Peace (2010), The Doppelgänger (2012), and What is Sex? (2017), and was named Artist of the Year (Theatre) by the Hong Kong Arts Development Council in 2017.  A firm believer in education, Lam has given lectures at The University of Hong Kong, the Academy of Film at Hong Kong Baptist University, and The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts. In 2015, he launched the first edition of ELDT On Screen, a cinematic showcase of four of his adaptations of literary classics. He has also published books of collected essays, including Waiting for Hong Kong, The Meaning of Entertainment, Evil But Glamorous, My TV Dinner Years, and Leading Ladies in the Mandarin Cinema. In 2016, Taiwanese journal Performing Arts Review published Who is Afraid of Edward Lam, Hsu Yen-mei’s analysis of Lam’s stage productions from 2006 to 2015.

Lu Chia-Hsin

Performer | Lu Chia-Hsin
Not content to stay at home, she is involved in music, film and theatre. Her podcasts are also great. Theatre productions: Edward Lam Dance Theatre's ‘The Visit: Art School Musical 2.0, ‘The Yi Yi Trilogy’, ‘Why We Chat?’, ‘Art School Musical’, ‘This is Not a Pipe and I am Not Sherlock Holmes’, ‘What Is Success?’, and ‘Awakening’. Music works: Albums ‘NOT UNDERSTOOD’ and ‘One Two FREE Fall’. Currently co-hosting the podcast ‘Aluba’ with Chao Yi-lan, season 6 is available now.


國立臺灣大學戲劇學系第三屆畢業,演員,偶爾編導。近年合作包括:非常林奕華《NJ的熱海旅行》、《一個人的一一》、《梁祝的繼承者們》、《聊齋》、《恨嫁家族》、《紅樓夢》、《心之偵探》及《機場無真愛》演出。台南人劇團《K24》及《愛情生活》等;楊景翔演劇團《我為你押韻,情歌―Revival》、《阮是廖添丁》;莎妹劇團《理查三世混音版》、《物種大樂團》、《SMAP X SMAP》等;仁信合作社《枕頭人》;動見体《想像的孩子》;瘋戲樂工作室《寶島歌舞》及《瘋戲樂Cabaret》編導;末路小花《水管人》;日本劇団サンプル《變半身》。
Performer | Wang Hung-yuan

Wang Hung-yuan is an independent actor, playwright and director, and a graduate of the Department of Drama and Theatre at the Taiwan University. Based in Taiwan, his recent performances were in Edward Lam Dance Theatre’s NJ’s Journey to Atami, 14 Variations on the Theme of Yi Yi, Art School Musical, Why We Chat, I Hate Therefore I Marry, What is Sex?, This is Not a Pipe and I am Not Sherlock Holmes and Finding Loveless Land. He has also performed with a number of other companies in Taiwan and Japan, including Tainaner Ensemble’s K24 and Life of Love; Creative Society’s Love Song: Rhyme for you; Yang’s Ensemble’s: Love Song: Rhyme for you (Revival); Shakespeare’s Wild Sisters Group’s SMAP X SMAP and One Hundred Years of Solitude; Ren Shin Co-Op Theatre’s The Pillowman; The Puppet and Its Double Theater’s Der Schönste Moment; Studio M’s Cabaret: Godot Theatre Company’s Office Goes Mad; Deadenflowers’ You Tube; and Japan Theater Company Sample’s Inseparable Kawarimi.



師隨王惠玲、周鎮邦及楊麗紅等學習身段和唱腔。 2020年參與香港藝術發展局 「第七屆戲曲人才培訓計劃」。 2023年於第五十一屆香港藝術節參與香港中樂團《火星上的虎度門》 粵曲演唱。2024年獲香港藝術發展局頒發第十八屆藝術新秀獎(戲曲)。
Guest Speaker | Leung Fei Tung

Studied body movements and singing styles under Wong Wai-ling, Chow Chun-bong and Yeung Lai-hung. In 2020, she participated in the 7th Xiqu Talent Training Programme of the Hong Kong Arts Development Council. In 2023, she performed in the Cantonese opera ‘The Tiger Door on the Planet Mars’ by the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra at the 51st Hong Kong Arts Festival. In 2024, she was awarded the 18th Award for Young Artists (Xiqu) by the Hong Kong Arts Development Council.



音樂劇演員、編劇、曲詞創作人。英國吉爾福德演藝學院(Guildford School of Acting)音樂劇演藝碩士。師承香港音樂劇藝術學院藝術總監謝漢文。至今已參與超過80齣舞台製作,演藝足跡遍及全球20個城市。2023年獲頒第17屆香港藝術發展獎藝術新秀獎(戲劇),同年憑音樂劇《大狀王》獲得第31屆香港舞台劇獎最佳男主角(悲劇/正劇),並獲IATC劇評人獎年度演員獎提名。另憑《下一站正常》獲第31屆香港舞台劇獎最佳填詞提名。2024年榮獲歐陽予倩戲劇獎最佳男演員大獎。
Guest Speaker | Jordan Cheng

Musical actor and playwright Jordan Cheng gained a Master’s degree in Musical Theatre from the Guildford School of Acting, UK, where he received extensive training under the mentorship of Mohamed Drissi. During his career, Cheng has appeared in over 80 theatre productions across 20 cities worldwide. In 2023, he was awarded Best Actor (Tragedy/Drama) at the Hong Kong Drama Awards for his performance in The Impossible Trial, as well as the Award for Young Artist (Drama) at the Hong Kong Arts Development Awards. Cheng also received nominations for Best Lyrics at the 2023 Hong Kong Drama Awards (Next to Normal) and for Performer of the Year at the IATC (HK) Critics Awards 2023. In 2024, Cheng was named Best Actor at the Guilin Festival Ouyang Yuqian Awards.



Guest Speaker | Gigi Leung Wing-kei

Hong Kong female singer, actress, songwriter and model. She won the 2003 Golden Horse Award for Best Original Film Song for her lead vocals on the film interlude ‘Terminal of the Carousel’ from the film ‘Turn Left, Turn Right’. In addition to writing many of her own works such as ‘Fireworks’ and ‘The Tall Girl’, she has also composed songs for other singers, such as Hacken Lee's ‘Tall Girl’, Sammi Cheng's ‘Skydiving’ and ‘Getting on the Wrong Bus’.