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Hardship is a Spaceship
Hardship is a Spaceship
















[Click here for English Synopsis]

First Semester, 2023-24

#1《艱辛歲月》導演演前導賞 Pre-Performance Talk of Hard Times
日期 Date:24/9/2023 (Sun)
時間 Time:15:00 *updated*
地點 Venue:西九文化區自由空間大堂 Concourse, Freespace, West Kowloon Cultural District
語言 Language:粵語及國語 Cantonese and Mandarin
名額 Quota: 12
#2《艱辛歲月》演出欣賞Performance Appreciation of Hard Times
(金燕玲 、鄭君熾、 張國穎演出 Peformed by Elaine Jin Yam-ling, Margaret Cheung, Jordan Cheng Kwan-chi)
日期 Date:24/9/2023 (Sun)
時間 Time:16:30
地點 Venue:西九文化區自由空間大盒 Free Space, West Kowloon Cultural District
語言 Language:粵語、普通話、英語Cantonese, Putonghua & English
名額 Quota: 12
費用Ticket Fee: HK$230*
演出詳情Details about the performance:
#3 「一人有一艘《艱辛歲月》太空船」體驗式工作坊 ‘Hardship is a Spaceship’ Experiential Workshop
日期 Date:7/10/2023 (Sat)
時間 Time:14:00 - 17:00 
地點 Venue:Studio 303, Chong Yuet Ming Cultural Centre 莊月明文化中心
形式Format: 由《艱辛歲月》演出內容發想開展的工作坊,體驗及實踐一齣液態式生活劇場如何構思、創作、演出,工作坊過程會被拍攝成影像作品,日後會於網上或其他形式放映。
語言 Language:粵語Cantonese
名額 Quota: 12
參考References:一人有一個課室On Empty Classroom (
 《和林奕華做朋友之交換成長:一人有一部陪我長大的電影》On Exchange of Coming of Age (
報名 Registration: 
Registration will start on GE Enrolment Day (7 Sep) 10:00am.
*Students are required to attend all the activities of #1, #2 and #3. Before registration, please make sure you are available for the pre-performance talk, performance appreciation and experiential workshop on 24/9 and 7/10. The ticket fee HK$230 is fully refundable upon full attendance of the programme.

Second Semester, 2023-24

「一人有一艘《艱辛歲月》太空船」影像作品放映及分享會 Screening and Sharing Session

Details to be announced.

Date Time Venue
24 Sep 2023 15:00 - 15:30 Concourse, Freespace, West Kowloon Cultural District
24 Sep 2023 16:30 - 18:00 Free Space, West Kowloon Cultural District
07 Oct 2023 14:00 - 17:00 Studio 303, Chong Yuet Ming Cultural Centre
Bio of Instructor(s) 導師簡介:
Edward LamEdward Lam 林奕華
Artistic Director, Edward Lam Dance Theatre
「非常林奕華」藝術總監,劇場導演。至今編導超過60齣原創作品。香港藝術發展獎藝術家年獎(戲劇)得主,並分別憑《男人與女人之戰爭與和平》、《紅娘的異想世界之在西廂》、《紅樓夢》三獲上海現代戲劇谷「壹戲劇大賞」年度最佳導演獎。2016年台灣《PAR表演藝術》雜誌出版第一本研究林奕華導演作品的著作《Who’s Afraid of 林奕華:在劇場,與禁忌玩遊戲》(徐硯美著)。1997年開始主持港大通識課程。  
Artistic Director and Theatre Director of the Edward Lam Dance Theatre, Lam founded Zuni Icosahedron with friends in the early 1980s, and established the Edward Lam Dance Theatre during his residence in London (1989 to 1995). Since returning to Hong Kong in 1995, he has devoted himself to the theatre and has directed 64 original works. Lam was awarded “Best Director” at “Modern Drama Valley’s One Drama Awards” for his works, Men and Women, War and Peace (2010), The Doppelgänger (2012), and What is Sex? (2017), and was named “Artist of the Year” (Theatre) by the Hong Kong Arts Development Council in 2017. His musical theatre piece, Art School Musical (2014) has toured over a dozen cities in Asia, and had its fourth rerun in Hong Kong at Freespace in October 2019.
Books of Lam’s collected essays include Waiting For Hong KongThe Meaning Of EntertainmentEvil But GlamorousMy TV Dinner Years, and Leading Ladies In The Mandarin Cinema. Who Is Afraid Of Edward Lam? Alexander Hsu’s analysis of Lam’s stage works from 2006 to 2015, was published by Performing Arts Review in Taiwan (2016).