Keen Lyricist Quest 2023-24 – Creativity Seminar & Lyrics Writing Workshop
「堅詞 gin1 ci4」創作 2023-24 – 創意講堂 及 寫詞工作坊
「堅詞 gin1 ci4」創作 2023-24 – 創意講堂 及 寫詞工作坊
如果你喜歡音樂又喜歡歌詞 / Rap詞 創作,一定不能錯過今個學期的「堅詞gin1 ci4」創作!
If you love music and keen on writing lyrics or rapping, you must not miss this semester’s Keen Lyricist Quest!
We have invited seasoned practitioners in the popular music industry to share their experience and insights into creativity and lyrics writing in seminars and workshops with students.
創意講堂 - 廣東話歌詞創作
Creativity Seminar - Lyrics Writing in Cantonese
主持 Moderator: 鄭敏 Cheng Man
講者Speakers: 陳詠謙 Chan Wing Him, 鍾說 Chung Suet Ying, 張進翹Mansonvibes
日期 Date: | 20/9/2023 (Wed) |
時間 Time: | 19:00 - 21:00 |
地點 Venue: | KK102 |
語言 Language: | 廣東話 Cantonese (Simultaneous Interpretation in English will be provided upon request) |
名額 Quota: | 100 (HKU Students and Staff) |
報名 Registration: | Registration will start on GE Enrolment Day (7 Sep) 10:00am. |
Creativity Seminar - Lyrics Writing in English
講者Speakers: Jing Wong, Lester Lam
日期 Date: | 26/9/2023 (Tue) |
時間 Time: | 19:00 - 21:00 |
地點 Venue: | KK101 |
語言 Language: | English |
名額 Quota: | 100 (HKU Students and Staff) |
報名 Registration: | Registration will start on GE Enrolment Day (7 Sep) 10:00am. |
寫詞工作坊 - 廣東話歌詞創作
Lyrics Writing Workshop - Lyrics Writing in Cantonese
導師 Instructor: 鄭敏 Cheng Man
日期 Date: | 16 & 19/10/2023 (Mon & Thu) |
時間 Time: | 15:00 - 17:00 |
地點 Venue: | GE Gatherland (MB240, 2/F, Main Building) |
語言 Language: | 廣東話 Cantonese |
費用 Fee: | Free of charge (with $100 deposit refundable upon full attendance) |
名額 Quota: | 15 (HKU Students only, by selection) |
報名 Registration: | Registration will start on GE Enrolment Day (7 Sep) 10:00am. |
Lyrics Writing Workshop - Lyrics Writing in English
導師 Instructor: Jing Wong
日期 Date: | 17 & 20/10/2023 (Tue & Fri) |
時間 Time: | 15:00 - 17:00 |
地點 Venue: | GE Gatherland (MB240, 2/F, Main Building) |
語言 Language: | English |
費用 Fee: | Free of charge (with $100 deposit refundable upon full attendance) |
名額 Quota: | 15 (HKU Students only, by selection) |
報名 Registration: | Registration will start on GE Enrolment Day (7 Sep) 10:00am. |
有關《「堅詞gin1 ci4」創作 2023-24》的詳情,請瀏覽 For more about Keen Lyricist Quest 2023-24, please visit:
Date | Time | Venue |
20 Sep 2023 | 19:00 - 21:00 | KK102 |
26 Sep 2023 | 19:00 - 21:00 | KK101 |
16 Oct 2023 | 15:00 - 17:00 | GE Gatherland (MB240, 2/F, Main Building) |
17 Oct 2023 | 15:00 - 17:00 | GE Gatherland (MB240, 2/F, Main Building) |
19 Oct 2023 | 15:00 - 17:00 | GE Gatherland (MB240, 2/F, Main Building) |
20 Oct 2023 | 15:00 - 17:00 | GE Gatherland (MB240, 2/F, Main Building) |
Bio of Instructor(s) 導師簡介:
陳詠謙 Chan Wing Him 香港著名音樂人,已發表填詞作品超過500首。為人熟悉的有《高山低谷》、《反對無效》、《哪裡只得我共你》、《風的形狀》、《蒙著嘴說愛你》等等。 填詞以外,亦曾擔任多個台前幕後崗位,包括自組樂團、演唱會和音、唱片企劃、歌手、經理人、策展人等等。 | |
鍾說(鍾雪瑩) Chung Suet Ying 九龍區出生成長,短暫成為過電台從業員,現為電影工作者,日常生活中會寫歌詞,這幾年間偶爾被採用,算是一個幸運兒。 | |
張進翹mansonvibes 香港唱作人,除演唱及參與曲詞編監外,同時演出電影、電視劇及創作獨立電影音樂。創作音樂曲風以 Pop Rock 為主,揉合 Folk, Dream Pop, J-rock等不同元素。透過曲詞創作,抒寫對自身、對關係、對世界的提問,分享無邊界的幻想,希望以音樂與人連結,與聽眾共生共存,擁抱當下。 個人派台作品包括《今天我不想做嘢》、《無可救藥的浪漫》、《QUEST?ONS》及電影主題曲《緣路山旮旯》等,近期推出首張個人概念 EP【 liFe iS... 】,共收錄七首親自曲詞編監英文作品。 | |
鄭敏 Cheng Man 香港填詞人。至今發表超過 50 首作品,包括《DWBF》、《時候不早》、《未開始己經結束》,其中《時間的初衷》榮獲第 40 屆香港電影金像獎「最佳原創電影歌曲」。 填詞以外,亦涉獵文字及多媒體創作。現於營銷策略顧問公司擔任創意總監。大學時期主修新聞系及中文系。 | |
Jing Wong Graduated as a Theatre Designer and Director in London's Central Saint Martins College of Art & Design with First Honours, Jing Wong went on to create a Fashion Theatre brand with his sister Kay called Daydream Nation in 2007. He has released a total of 7 album/eps and has toured 30 cities in China. He has played at Music Festivals such as the Clockenflap, Wow and Flutter, and Freespace. He was also invited to play in Adelaide's OZAsia Festival in 2016, Zandari Festival, and PAMS festival in Seoul 2017. His songs are featured in films by Ann Hui and Heiward Mak. He is also a keen educator who has taught young musicians regularly in events organised by the Renaissance Foundation and ‘Every Life is a Song.’ He has recently returned to his theatre roots, creating a One Man Music Theatre Show, A Spy in the House of Love, in November 2018 at Arts Centre, and a bigger scale Music x Tap x Theatre production, The Drifters, at the Cultural Centre in August 2021 funded by HAB’s Art Capacity Fund. Jing starts his PhD at The City University of Hong Kong this September, his chosen area being Interactive and Immersive Theatre performances inspired by Video and Board Games. | |
Lester Lam 來自馬來西亞的本地唱作歌手Lester Lam,作品以流行⾳樂為基底,並融入R&B及Indie元素。 於2020年推出首張EP「Unwithered Blue」將自⼰幾年來獨⾃在外地生活所經歷的情感寫入五首撫慰⼼靈的歌中;其中的標誌色「藍」不僅代表唱作⼈自己(「藍」為他的中文姓⽒),更是伴隨他⼀路成長的情緒。EP收錄了「Out of This World」與「Battles」等代表作,講述了每個人成長過程中必定感受到的憂鬱與不安,希望可以從歌聲中獲得共鳴與安慰。 時隔2年半,Lester再推出全新概念專輯《Aquilo》,再度與Daniel Toh及Claudia Koh合作,並首次與香港新晉電影配樂人Eason YH Chan聯手,於編曲中結合世界與西方音樂元素,帶來一場別於以往的聽覺盛宴。Lester從希臘神話中的北風之神汲取靈感,將其比作信念的化身,從而寫出專輯「Shadows」、「Sailing Boat」等具有連結性的作品,反映Lester此刻渴望逃離陰霾的心境,及勇敢無畏乘風並行的探險精神,為人生的下一篇章揭開序幕。 近日Lester再發行單曲專輯「Rainy Days in The Blue Whale」,以唱跳歌曲「Rain On Me」重返舞台,亦推出「Snow」延續Lester感性的一面。為紀念專輯發行,Lester於1月舉辦了首個個人專場音樂會。 Lester Lam is a singer-songwriter from Malaysia, based in Hong Kong. The mixture of influences from Pop, R&B and Indie music has built the foundation for his raw and personal story telling, which is reflected in his debut EP "Unwithered Blue", documenting five brutally honest conversations with his deepest emotions, with his most streamed hit "Out of This World”. Moving on, Lester released his second EP “Aquilo”, including singles “Shadows” and "Sailing Boat"; exploring new sounds with world music elements while incorporating thematic writing inspired by mythologies and epic poems. The project consists of distinct chapters that complete a fictional story which reflects challenges Lester has faced over the years. Recently Lester has released his new single album “Rainy Days in the Blue Whale”, including his first dance tune "Rain On Me" and mellow ballad "Snow". Celebrating his album release, he has opened his first headline show in January, 2023. |