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Time flies, how many movies are left in our memories? This semester, CEDARS-GE and the student curator will continue to organise Filmtastic Movie Club – a club for cinephiles to meet, discuss and share the films they love. Filmtastic is inviting you to join us and enjoy the movies!
Registration will start on GE Enrolment Day (19 Jan).

GE2022-44A / GE2022-44B
# Filmtastic 電影放映及分享會 HKU Screening & Discussion
《給十九歲的我》“To: My Nineteen-year-old Self”
一部關於英華女校的紀錄片,記錄着香港的變化。從2011年至今,置身香港這動盪年頭,由無憂童年成長到困惑青年,讓我們回到自己的過去,反思失去了的青蔥歲月…… Filmtastic這次邀請到導演張婉婷及其中一位主角佘麗薇作映後談,分享電影中的故事。
 “To My Nineteen Year Old Self”, a documentary following a group of young students since 2011, captures the trials and tribulations that go with the most turbulent decade in Hong Kong's history. An up-close and honest coming-of-age saga, with fascinating stories to tell, and personal journeys of self-discovery and realisation. There will be a discussion with Director Mabel Cheung and one of the protagonists Shear Lai Mei at HKU. All are welcome to join.
| GE2022-44A《給十九歲的我》放映會 “To: My Nineteen-year-old Self” HKU Screening
日期 Date:1/2/2023 (Wed)
時間 Time:19:00 – 21:00
地點 Venue:高先電影院 Golden Scene Cinema
費用 Fee:$30 (The payment is non-refundable)
名額 Quota:70 (HKU students only)
Screening is FULL.
| GE2022-44B 走過永恆的片刻《給十九歲的我》Going through a Moment in Time “To: My Nineteen-year-old Self”
嘉賓 Guest Speakers:張婉婷導演 Director Mabel Cheung, 佘麗薇 Shear Lai Mei
主持 Moderator:羅玉華博士 Dr. Fiona Law (Department of Comparative Literature, HKU)
日期 Date:8/2/2023 (Wed)
時間 Time:19:00 – 20:30
地點 Venue:LE1, Library Extension Building, HKU
語言 Language:Cantonese (Simultaneous interpretation in English will be provided upon request before 1 Feb 2023)

We regret to inform you that this programme will be postponed, until further notice

|《給十九歲的我》電影資料 About “To My Nineteen Year Old Self”:
電影預告 Movie Trailer
導演 Director:張婉婷
片長 Length:136 minutes
語言 Language:Cantonese (with Chinese and English subtitle)
# Filmtastic影評工作坊 Film Critics Workshop
When you watched a movie, will you find your words not enough to express how you feel and think? Filmtastic invited local film critic, Ka Ming to share tips on film criticism through Hong Kong movies such as The Sparring Partner and The Narrow Road, let’s learn another way to enjoy the movies.
導師 Instructor:家明 Ka Ming (Local film critic)
日期 Dates:23/2 & 2/3/2023 (Thu)
時間 Time:18:30 – 20:30
地點 Venue:GE Gatherland 221 (MB221, 2/F, Main Building)
語言 Language:Cantonese (simultaneous interpretation in English will be provided upon request)
名額 Quota:20
Registration (HKU students only):
# Filmtastic 電影社 - 香港製造 Made in Hong Kong
近年香港文化愈來愈受重視,Filmtastic 電影社這學期以「香港製造」為題,希望從本地電影出發,與同學一起觀看並分享本地電影,重新認識香港。
Hong Kong Culture has become more popular recently. This semester, under the theme “Made in Hong Kong”, we would like to search for more new insights about Hong Kong together from watching and understanding more local movies.
15 Mar (Wed) – 《手捲煙》Hand Rolled Cigarette (2020)
22 Mar (Wed) – 《殺出個黃昏》 Time (2021)
時間 Time:18:30 – 21:00
地點 Venue:GE Gatherland 221 (MB221, 2/F, Main Building)
語言 Language:Cantonese supplemented with English
學生策展人 Student Curator:黃祉祺 Jackie Wong (MBBS Year 2)
名額 Quota:20
Registration (HKU students only):

Date Time Venue
01 Feb 2023 19:00 - 21:00 高先電影院 Golden Scene Cinema
08 Feb 2023 19:00 - 20:30 LE1, Library Extension Building, HKU
23 Feb 2023 18:30 - 20:30 GE Gatherland 221 (MB221, 2/F, Main Building)
02 Mar 2023 18:30 - 20:30 GE Gatherland 221 (MB221, 2/F, Main Building)
15 Mar 2023 18:30 - 21:00 GE Gatherland 221 (MB221, 2/F, Main Building)
22 Mar 2023 18:30 - 21:00 GE Gatherland 221 (MB221, 2/F, Main Building)
Bio of Instructor(s) 導師簡介:
Mabel Cheung張婉婷導演 Director Mabel Cheung
張婉婷畢業於香港大學,主修英國文學及心理學,並於英國Bristol大學修讀戲劇及寫作高級文憑課程,後獲美國紐約大學電影碩士學位。1985年,她憑首部電影《非法移民》奪得香港電影金像獎「最佳導演」及亞太影展「評審團大獎」。《秋天的童話》(1987年) 將她的事業推至另一高峰;此片囊括了香港電影金像獎「最佳電影」及「最佳劇本」等四項大獎。1997年,她憑《宋家皇朝》橫掃台灣金馬獎三項大獎及香港電影金像獎六項殊榮。其後執導的《玻璃之城》(1998年)、《北京樂與怒》(2001年) 及紀錄片《龍的深度 ─ 失落的拼圖》(2003年) 同樣在各大影展載譽而歸。此外,張也監製了多部大受歡迎的電影,包括:《七小福》(1987年)、《我愛扭紋柴》(1992年) 及《戰神傳說》(1993年)。2005年,為紀念中國電影誔生一百周年而創作舞台音樂劇《電影之歌》, 該劇奪得2006年度中國第四屆「十大演出盛事」最佳演出金獎。2010年監製電影《歲月神偷》,獲第60屆柏林影展新世代競賽單元最佳影片水晶熊獎,及2010年香港電影金像獎最佳编劇、最佳男主角、最佳新演員及最佳原創電影歌曲等四項大獎。 2015推出由其執導,劉青雲及湯唯主演的電影 《三城記》,獲香港電影金像獎六項提名。 2022年執導紀錄片《給19歲的我》,紀錄十個少女由11歲至21歲(2011 至2021), 這十年間的成長過程,也見證了香港在這十年間的急劇變遷。
A New York University film graduate, Mabel Cheung’s thesis film, “The Illegal Immigrant”, won her Best Director at the Hong Kong Film Awards.  She later directed “An Autumn’s Tale” starring Chow Yun Fat, and was awarded the HK Film Awards Best Film.  Together with her third feature “Eight Taels of Gold” (starring Sammo Hung), these films were considered the Immigration Trilogy.  Cheung’s historical epic feature “The Soong Sisters” received massive applause and attention internationally.  Her romantic drama “City of Glass” (1998), the powerful musical “Beijing Rocks” (2001), and the historical epic “A Tale of Three Cities” (2015), successfully captured the hearts of the audiences.  Together with Alex Law they made the nostalgic period film “Echoes of the Rainbow” (2009), which won the Crystal Bear Award for Best Film (Generation) at the Berlin International Film Festival.
Ka Ming家明 Ka Ming
Film critic, Sunday Ming Pao columnist.