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 Keen Lyricist Quest – Outstanding Works Showcase
Keen Lyricist Quest – Outstanding Works Showcase
「堅詞gin1 ci4」創作 – 得獎作品音樂會

堅持創作 超越想像
Integrating Words / Music / Life
Connecting Minds / Souls /World
Keen On Creating Beyond Imagination

《「堅詞」創作》歌詞創作比賽反應熱烈,收到超過70個參賽作品。經CEDARS-GE及專業評審甄選後,11份作品將於得獎作品分享音樂會中表演。除得獎同學外,我們亦邀請了歌手黃妍(Cath Wong)、音樂人楊智遠(Siu Yuen)及學生團體等表演得獎作品。
Keen Lyricist Quest – Lyrics Writing Competition received overwhelming response with more than 70 entries of lyrics. After reviewing by our professional panel adjudicators, 11 outstanding pieces will be performed at the Outstanding Works Showcase. In addition to the winners, professional singers, Cath Wong and Siu Yuen, and student groups haven been invited to perform in the showcase.
Outstanding Works Showcase得獎作品音樂會
日期Date:  2/3/2023 (Thu)
時間Time:  19:00 – 20:30
地點Venue:  Studio 303, Chong Yuet Ming Cultural Centre
報名 Registration (for HKU Students only):
Registration starts at 10:00 on Feb 22.
Special Guests:
Cath Wong 黃妍 (Singer-songwriter)
Siu Yuen楊智遠 (Singer-songwriter & HKU Alumnus) 

演出作品 Featuring works
原創歌曲 Original
《BLÅHAJ》 -  Tai Chi Chung
《Silver》 -  Monica Wat
《循環》 -  Nicole Lee Hoi Ching
《約定在海闊時再看海》 -  Vivienne Lam and Skyler Khaw
《Cruel》 -  Aimee Tsang Wai Lam
《Wallpaper》 -  Charis Lorraine Wong
改編作品 Adaptation
《他/她尚在我心的部分》 -  Holly Cheung Hoi Ling
《生菜文化》 -  Kat Wong Sze Ching
《虛華浮生》 -  李傲平
《情如詩 》 -  李傲平
《髒話阿九 》 -  Matthew Leung Hoi Hin
賽果公佈 Announcement of Results (30 Jan 2023) -

Date Time Venue
02 Mar 2023 19:00 - 20:30 Studio 303, Chong Yuet Ming Cultural Centre