In the post-pandemic travel era, most countries have already fully re-opened to visitors from around the world, and ‘revenge travel’ is surging to compensate for the lost travel years. Tourism rebound could undoubtedly drive economic recovery, yet could the ‘revenge travel’ phenomenon be another environmental disaster?
How should we deal with post-pandemic travel anxiety? Have our travel attitudes and behaviour changed compared to the pre-pandemic era? Apart from preparing to be tourists again, are we prepared for the incoming visitors to Hong Kong? Maybe it’s time for us to redefine the word ‘travel’?
Of human library style, Post-Quarantine Travelogues invites travel writers and enthusiasts Fred Lam and Pazu Kong to share their stories with you.
HKU Students & Staff - https://hkuems1.hku.hk/hkuems/ec_hdetail.aspx?ueid=85977
In the post-pandemic travel era, most countries have already fully re-opened to visitors from around the world, and ‘revenge travel’ is surging to compensate for the lost travel years. Tourism rebound could undoubtedly drive economic recovery, yet could the ‘revenge travel’ phenomenon be another environmental disaster?
How should we deal with post-pandemic travel anxiety? Have our travel attitudes and behaviour changed compared to the pre-pandemic era? Apart from preparing to be tourists again, are we prepared for the incoming visitors to Hong Kong? Maybe it’s time for us to redefine the word ‘travel’?
Of human library style, Post-Quarantine Travelogues invites travel writers and enthusiasts Fred Lam and Pazu Kong to share their stories with you.
HKU Students & Staff - https://hkuems1.hku.hk/hkuems/ec_hdetail.aspx?ueid=85977
Date | Time | Venue |
07 Feb 2023 | 18:45 - 20:15 | GE Gatherland 240 (MB240, 2/F, Main Building, HKU) |
Bio of Instructor(s) 導師簡介:
![]() | Mr. Pazu Kong 薯伯伯 旅遊寫作人,香港大學佛學碩士,為最早一批在網上連載遊記的香港人,多年來足迹遍佈歐亞多國,在喜馬拉雅山麓、東南亞、南亞等地區生活。 著有《風轉西藏》、《北韓迷宮》、《西藏西人西事》及《不正常旅行研究所》,分別在香港、北京及首爾出版。 |
![]() | Mr. Fred Lam 林輝 旅遊狂熱者、文字工作者,中學時代就愛上旅行和寫作,曾踏足過超過80國。著有《旅行在希望與苦難之間》及《旅行是一場修行》,並正經營深度旅行社【輕背包】和旅行主題餐廳【Lonely Paisley】。 |