The current generation of young, Hong Kong adults most likely grew up with an assumption of “12 years’ free education”, as per the HKSAR Government’s policy of providing free primary and secondary education to children and youngsters through the public schools system. The “Free education” policy was first introduced in Hong Kong in the early 1970s. From self-founded and self-funded education up to the standardisation of learning outcomes, we shall look into the difficulties the current system’s predecessors faced and their perseverance in the face of change.
This two-session programme consists of a talk and an immersive adventure, where students will experience the development and advancement of education in Hong Kong. Revisiting the historical education system helps us to reflect on the meaning of education and enhances our interest in history and historical research.
GE2022-22A: Talk
History of Hong Kong Education System and the Challenges of Founding HKU
What was education like before English colonisation (pre-1841)? Let’s journey backwards to look into the early stages of the Hong Kong education system, including private tuition, the Chinese educative style, and education provided by charitable and religious institutions (e.g. churches). How did the education system develop from a disorganised conglomeration of teaching settings and styles to the organisation of the Education Bureau and HKU?
Students & Staff:
Alumni and Public:
GE2022-22B: Social Game
Interactive and immersive activities for students to learn about Hong Kong history. Students will play different roles and be placed in the background of the 1900s in Hong Kong. With different social events, students can decide their “future”. What will Hong Kong become? Will Hong Kong’s education development and the foundation of HKU still be the same as today? The future is in your hands.
Registration starts on 19/1/2023 (Thu) 10:00
HKU Students Only -
Date | Time | Venue |
03 Mar 2023 | 19:00 - 20:30 | KK101, KK Leung Building, HKU |
17 Mar 2023 | 19:00 - 21:00 | GE Gatherland 240 (MB 240, 2/F, Main Building) |
Bio of Instructor(s) 導師簡介:
港識多史 WeToastHK
「港識多史|香港歷史社會研究社」致力推廣及普及香港歷史、文化,以輕鬆、簡單的手法讓大家了解香港的故事。自2016年成立至今,多次就有關香港歷史、文化及社會議題受中外媒體訪問,包括《美國之音》(Voice of America)、《南華早報》(South China Morning Post)、《明報》、《香港電台》等,亦獲邀出席多個研討會及座談會,包括由牛津大學香港學者協會舉辦的牛津香港論壇。港識多史同時推出多本香港歷史書目,包括《教科書不會教的36 個歷史人物》、《東方之珠的三斤釘:25個奠基香港的歷史故事》及《三斤釘上的浮城——25個香港日常歷史故事》,皆於出版月內即登上書店暢銷榜。
WeToastHK is a self-organised research community founded in 2016. Specialising in Hong Kong history and culture, the group aims to promote history to a wider audience. Determined to keep the multifaceted Hong Kong history alive, WeToastHK issues featured articles in various media, as well as publishing books and featured articles on its website.