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放膽試.認真拍出不平凡 From Trial to Phenomenal —— GEST Creative Video Curation and Production
放膽試.認真拍出不平凡 From Trial to Phenomenal —— GEST Creative Video Curation and Production

通識 (CEDARS-GE) 今個學年希望為有志在網絡媒體上發展的同學提供一個認真嘗試的機會,我們召集目標一致的同道中人,透過參與嘉賓分享及工作坊,了解更多創意影片製作的秘技,參加者更可以自由組隊,為通識建議與大學生活相關的短片題材,入選隊伍將獲影片製作費(上限HK$8,000)。


In the cyber world, the flow of information, including entertaining content, travels across time and geographical boundaries. Instead of choosing among traditional and limited broadcasting channels, we are now exposed to countless channels on YouTube and other social media platforms. It is not only liberating for the audience, but also a breakthrough for creators such as film/video makers, screenwriters, and performers.

CEDARS-GE has curated this programme, which aims to support students who endeavour to develop their skills in creative video making. Through joining sharing sessions by established creatives, participants will learn the essence of producing videos that can stand out from the crowd. Participants in this programme are eligible to apply for a production subsidy (HK$8,000 max.) by submitting their proposal of videos themed around university life.

Session #1 - 毛記電視 TVMost
9/2 (Wed) | 18:45 – 20:15 | Online via Zoom
Guest Speakers:
東方昇 Wong Kar Wai、利銘滔 Lee Ming To

Session #2 - 試當真 Trial & Error
1/3 (Tue) | 18:45 - 20:15 | Online via Zoom
Guest Speaker:
潘宗孝 Ernest盧嘉誼 Ellen

Session #3 - 小薯茄 Pomato
30/3 (Wed) | 18:45 – 20:15 | Online via Zoom
Guest Speakers:
程人富 Rik Ching高江凌 Ko Ling

► Online Registration (HKU Students ONLY):
Session #1 (毛記電視 TVMost):
Session #2 (試當真 Trial & Error):
Session #3 (小薯茄 Pomato):
*All registration will be closed at 13:00 on the day before the session. 

Language: Cantonese

如果你有與趣參加GEST Creative Video的製作,請留意以下資料:

If you are interested in the GEST Creative Video Production, plesae see the details below:

Details of GEST Creative Video Production
  • Team with a maximum of 5 students in the core team
  • All of the core team members should be HKU full-time students
  • More than half of the core team members should be participants in at least 1 of the previous sharing sessions
(*Core team: Including director, script-writer, camera operator, video editor, main cast, etc.)
Guidelines and timeline
  1. Applicants are required to submit a proposal/production plan for a video with:
    - Theme: University life
    - Objective: To produce a video that would attract audience as well as fulfilling the artistic expression of the production team
    - Length: about 5 – 10 minutes
  2. The selected team will be informed in mid-May, the production period of the video will be in June, and the video shall be finished by the end of June 2022. 
  3. The video will be published on CEDARS-GE’s social media (i.e. YouTube and Instagram) in early August. 
Proposal Submission
  • Submission Deadline: 14/4 (Thu), shortlisted applicants will be invited for interview
  • The proposal should include but not limited to: 
    1. Key message of the video
    2. Content/flow of the video
    3. Production timeline
    4. Cost and expenses
    5. Equipment
    6. List and CV of core members, roles and distribution of works
  • Please send your submission to before the deadline. 
Details of the subsidy
There will be a maximum of HK$8,000 production subsidy (with prior budget approval, for the team’s allowance and expenses on reimbursement basis). The subsidy cannot be used for purchasing equipment, but it can pay for the rental. And the total allowance for personnel should not be higher than 50% of the total budget.

Date Time Venue
09 Feb 2022 18:45 - 20:45 Online Platform
01 Mar 2022 18:45 - 20:45 Online Platform
30 Mar 2022 18:45 - 20:45 Online Platform
Bio of Instructor(s) 導師簡介:
Speaker東方昇 (Wong Kar Wai)
毛記電視節目經理,自稱《國家級任務》領導人、100毛偽人、崩牙KOL及蚊滋老豆,涉獵節目主持、電影、電視劇、舞台劇及Talk show等,於個人節目每每突破底線,其噴住口水大嗌「大家好」的招牌動作亦已深入民心。
利銘滔 (Lee Ming To)
ernest潘宗孝 (Ernest)
YouTube Channel《Ernest案內所》的創立人,於上年(2021年)加入試當真,現為常駐幕前演員及導演。 
ellen盧嘉誼 (Ellen) 
透過《編劇試當真》——一個劇本招募計劃 加入試當真,及後成為試當真常駐編劇及導演。 
程人富 (Rik Ching)
Ling (高江凌)

About the Channels: 

小薯茄 Pomato
毛記電視 TVMost
「毛記電視」創立於2015年,製作過多個娛樂性豐富的網上免費節目,包括《六點半左右新聞報導》、《勁曲金曲》、《星期三港案》,並多次跟不同品牌合作拍攝毛記電視廣告影片,包括雀巢白咖啡、星展銀行信用卡、Shell油站、譚仔雲南米線等等,屢創網絡收視記錄而極受社會矚目。最新網上節目包括《國家級任務》、《圍爐取戀》、《 毛記演偽人協會 》。