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On Empty Classroom
On Empty Classroom
和林奕華一起創作 之 一人有一個課室 網上放映及分享
►重溫直播Facebook Live Replay
17 Mar:  
18 Mar:
19 Mar:


Why does everyone have a classroom?

Under the rules to help control the pandemic, social distancing and isolation are inevitable. The school classroom has changed its role since then. Like a person with his/her mind emptied, it has become a space for different types of thinking from a learning space.

In this unusual semester, we recruited 12 students to have individual self-teaching in an empty classroom . Starting from the self-introduction “I am XYZ”, how might they inspire themselves about their past, present, and future?

Let’s re-imagine ourselves by re-feeling and re-imagining the “classroom”!
The full series of videos will be available online in March 2021. Also, the Creative and Production Team will share their experiences before and after the screening of videos in 3 evenings.

▍ Speakers 講者 :
Mr. Edward Lam 林奕華先生 (Artistic Director, Edward Lam Theatre; Theatre Director)
& HKU Students
Date: 17-19/3 (Wed – Fri)
Time : 19:00 – 21:00
Format: Conducted via Zoom & Facebook Live at
Language: Cantonese 
Playlist of 12 video works by students:  


▍ 參與創作學生Co-Creators:
陳穎姿Chan Wing Chi (BA, Year 4)
郭紫凝Kwok Tsz Ying (BA, Year 5)
郭詠恩Kwok Wing Yan (BASc (SDS), Year 4)
李浩生Lee Ho Sang (BBA(Acc&Fin), Year 4)
馬卡安Mar Ka On (BSc, Year 5)
潘致毅Poon Chi Ngai (MBBS, Year 6)
岑佩思Sham Pui Sze (MBBS, Year 2)
薛煦祺Sit Hui Kei (MBBS, Year 5)
蘇志輝So Chi Fai (BSocSc, Year 2)
蘇曉嵐So Hiu Nam (BA, 2020)
黃德桓Wong Tak Wun (BSc(Surv), Year 1)
王穎琳Wong Wing Lam (BA, Year 3)

▍ 創作及製作團隊Creative and Production Team:
原創概念及導演Original Concept and Director: 林奕華 Edward Lam
策劃 Planning: 黃志淙 Wong Chi Chung
共同創作 Co-Creator: 吳嘉彥、何定偉Darwin Ng & Ho Ting-wai
影像剪接 Video Editor: 吳嘉彥 Darwin Ng
影像剪接助理 Video Editor Assistant: 劉嘉盈 Lau Ka Ying
拍攝 Cameramen: 吳嘉彥、何定偉 Darwin Ng & Ho Ting-wai
統籌 Coordinator: 林嘉玲 Karen Lam
中文字幕Chinese Subtitle: 鄭曉婷、劉嘉盈Tina Zheng & Lau Ka Ying
英文字幕 English Subtitle: 顏楚蕎、譚雅文、王可恩 Natalie Ngan, Ginny Tam & Tracy Wong

由香港大學CEDARS-GE及 非常林奕華  ( 聯合製作
Co-produced by HKU CEDARS-GE & Edward Lam Dance Theatre.

Lecture 講座 (17 - 19 Mar 2021)




Why does everyone have a classroom?

Under the rules to help control the pandemic, social distancing and isolation are inevitable. The school classroom has changed its role since then. Like a person with his/her mind emptied, it has become a space for different types of thinking from a learning space.

In this unusual semester, we recruited 12 students to have individual self-teaching in an empty classroom. Starting from the self-introduction “I am XYZ”, how might they inspire themselves about their past, present, and future?

Let’s re-imagine ourselves by re-feeling and re-imagining the “classroom”!

The videos will be screened online in March 2021. Also, the Creative and Production Team will share their experiences before and after the screening of videos.

▍ Speakers 講者 :
Mr. Edward Lam 林奕華先生 (Artistic Director, Edward Lam Theatre; Theatre Director) & HKU Students
Date: 17-19/3/2021 (Wed – Fri)
Time : 19:00 – 21:00
Format: Conducted via Zoom & Facebook Live at
Language: Cantonese  (simultaneous interpretation in English will be provided upon request by 10/3)

Online registration:
Date: 17/3 (Wed)
► HKU Students & Staff – 
► Alumni & Public – 
Date: 18/3 (Thu)
► HKU Students & Staff – 
► Alumni & Public – 
Date: 19/3 (Fri)
► HKU Students & Staff – 
► Alumni & Public – 

Date Time Venue
17 Mar 2021 19:00 - 21:00 Online Platform
18 Mar 2021 19:00 - 21:00 Online Platform
19 Mar 2021 19:00 - 21:00 Online Platform
Bio of Instructor(s) 導師簡介:

Mr. Edward Lam 林奕華先生

「非常林奕華」藝術總監,劇場導演。至今編導六十一齣原創作品。香港藝術發展獎藝術家年獎(戲劇)得主,並分別憑《男人與女人之戰爭與和平》、《紅娘的異想世界之在西廂》、《紅樓夢》三獲上海現代戲劇谷「壹戲劇大賞」年度最佳導演獎。二零一六年台灣《PAR表演藝術》雜誌出版第一本研究林奕華導演作品的著作《Who’s Afraid of 林奕華:在劇場,與禁忌玩遊戲》(徐硯美著)。一九九七年開始主持通識課程。