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Global News Chat 
Global News Chat 
We feel more connected globally than ever, especially when the news of the pandemic has been looping across countries for months. Although we can access the world’s news at our fingertips, we may not fully understand the dynamics of the current issues of other cities. To facilitate some in-depth discussion on significant international and regional news, these Global News Chat sessions invite students from various backgrounds to share their personal views and insights on the issues that they care about.
Session 1 (23/2):
Reflection on the 2020 United States Presidential Election: The Increased Division and Polarisation
Student Host:
Averell Charlton Diesch (BSc Year 1)

Online registration starts at 10:00 on 20/1 (Wed):
► HKU Students -
Session 2 (23/3):
Impacts of the Pandemic on Athletes in Hong Kong
Due to unforeseen reason, this session is cancelled.

Dates: 23/2, 23/3 (Tue)
Time: 16:30 – 18:00
Format: Conducted via online platform

Date Time Venue
23 Feb 2021 16:30 - 18:00 Online Platform