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New Media Team Training Workshop
New Media Team Training Workshop
這是個人人可以是攝影師,人人可以是YouTuber/KOL的年代。但當我們平均只會花兩三秒去看一個影片或圖像時,怎樣能吸引更多眼球? 我們邀請到三位來自不同界別的嘉賓,與大家分享如何有效經營社交媒體平台、如何創作有趣內容及建立成功的YouTube頻道。

如果你有興趣管理社交媒體平台、製作短片、甚至建立自己的專屬頻道,請即報名成為GEST Media Team的一份子,與我們一起創作,在GE Team的平台上發表你的作品。出席全部三節工作坊並完成作品的同學,將正式加入GEST Media Team,協助GE Team管理社交媒體平台及製作創意內容。

Everyone can be a photographer, YouTuber or KOL in the digital age, how do we make ourselves stand out from millions of social media accounts? We have invited three guests from different fields to share how to effectively manage social media platforms; how to be a good content creator, and how to set up a YouTube channel.

For those who are interested in managing social media platforms, video production or even creating your own channel, please join our GEST Media Team and co-curate with us! Participants who have attended all the three workshops and completed the designated work will be eligible to join the GEST Media Team, helping us to manage our social media platforms and produce creative content.

Session 1:
How to Survive in the New Media Ecology?

Law Wing Chung 羅永聰
Managing Partner and Co-founder, Jervois One

Date: 17/9 (Thu)
Time: 18:00 - 19:30
Format: Conducted via online platform 
Language: Cantonese (simultaneous interpretation in English will be provided upon request 7 days in advance)

Online registration starts at 10:00 on 9/9 (Wed):
► HKU Students - 

Session 2:
How to be a Creative Content Curator?

CapTV Eric 黎唔明

Date: 9/10 (Fri)
Time: 18:00 - 19:30
Format: Conducted via online platform 
Language: Cantonese (simultaneously interpretation in English will be provided upon request 7 days in advance)

Online registration starts at 10:00 on 9/9 (Wed):
► HKU Students - 

Session 3:
How it works as a YouTuber?

Emi Wong 王艾米
Social Media Content Creator

Date: 30/10 (Fri)
Time: 18:00 - 19:30
Format: Conducted via online platform 
Language: Cantonese 
(simultaneously interpretation in English will be provided upon request 7 days in advance)

Online registration starts at 10:00 on 9/9 (Wed):
► HKU Students - 

Date Time Venue
17 Sep 2020 18:00 - 19:30 Online Platform
09 Oct 2020 18:00 - 19:30 Online Platform
30 Oct 2020 18:00 - 19:30 Online Platform
Bio of Instructor(s) 導師簡介:
Law Wing Chung
Law Wing Chung, an award-winning journalist, has worked in the news industry for over 12 years. He joined the HKSAR Government and served as the Political Assistant to the Financial Secretary in 2012. He resigned in 2016 and assisted John Tsang Chun Wah in the Chief Executive 2017 election. Law started his own consulting service on public affairs and public relations afterwards. He often hosts radio/TV programmes for RTHK and NowTV. Law received a Bachelor of Laws degree and a Master of Journalism degree from The University of Hong Kong. He was a visiting journalist fellow of the Reuters Institute of Journalism in Oxford University.

CapTV Eric 
黎唔明,讀書時主修公共行政,對本土流行文化充滿濃厚興趣。加入CapTV 大約兩年,於CapTV 主要負責內容創作、修圖剪片、出鏡、主持等工作,希望用嬉笑怒鬧的方式引起大眾共鳴或思考一些社會問題。自己暫時在CapTV 較滿意的作品包括講述中泰網民鬧戰的《泰式鬧交了》、以藝人被廣告商「割蓆」的《流行割蓆三字經》等等。

Emi Wong  
With more than 2.6 million subscribers on her YouTube channel and 514,000 followers on her Instagram, Emi Wong uploaded her first video to YouTube in April 2017. She was named number 1 in the Top 10 Rising Local Creators by Youtube in 2017 for having the fastest-growing channel, exceeding 100,000 subscriptions in only 4 months since her channel’s inception. She has been featured in several publications, such as Cosmopolitan, Marie Claire, SCMP, HKET, Hashtag Legend, HK01, and Apple Daily to name a few.
Born in Canada and raised in Hong Kong, Emi has always strongly believed that hard work and determination can make even the wildest dreams possible. She achieved 7As in her Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination and graduated from the University of Hong Kong with a Bachelor of Business Administration (International Business and Global Management). She has also worked various jobs in the past, including the management trainee programme for Pernod Ricard and as the social media storyteller for lululemon in Hong Kong.
Emi is also a certified advanced personal trainer, and by combining her passion for social media and fitness, she started her current career to share with the world that fitness and health can be for everyone. From wellness, to food, to lifestyle, to travel, to beauty and to fashion, Emi creates different kinds of content daily for her global audience, and has worked with brands from all over the world to make their visions a reality as well.