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GEST Recruitment and Gathering
GEST Recruitment and Gathering
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: GE Student Team
通識現正招募2020至2021年度第一學期的GEST成員,歡迎所有港大同學報名,曾擔任GEST工作的同學亦請重新報名。有意者請填妥網上表格 (,截止日期為9月10日(星期四)下午5時。

GEST is an integral part of GE.
Being a GEST member, not only makes the GE events successful and fantastic, but learns and laughs at a fun and cosy environment. We treasure your crazy and off-the-wall ideas as sometimes they can be developed into something very exciting and innovative. Let your talents shine.
We are currently seeking the following amazing individuals. To apply, please fill in the online form ( by 17:00, 10/9 (Thu). Previous GEST members are required to apply again.

Event Assistant – From escorting guests to their seats, showing attendees where to go, to distributing pamphlets, we need your hand.
Social Media Editor – You seek and watch and listen and tell the #GE stories on GE’s Facebook, and Instagram. Craft a narrative that is catchy, creative, and empowers the online passers-by to click the ‘Share’ button. Join us as a founding member of this group if you have a passion for telling audience why they should love GE :-)
Photographer & Videographer – Capture the energy of GE events with your camera, and allow viewers to imagine being there. Create a viral video that wows your audience.
Designer – Design a charming poster and create a buzz for the next GE event. Stretch your design muscles, and find the right balance with headline, copy, images and logos.
Moderator – Make GE events smooth, stimulating and lively by guiding the discussion and asking thought-provoking questions.

Farmer – Grow our own vegetables, herbs and fruits on the HKU campus.
Simultaneous Interpreter – Help your schoolmates to enjoy programmes that are conducted in Cantonese or Mandarin.
Tea Host – Share your favourite tea and snacks from your hometowns and tell stories of your cultures.
Curator – GE is where you can create and curate. Examples are Curator’s Gig, Curator’s Exhibition, and GEST Movie Salon.

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Orientation Gathering

All GEST members will be invited to join our first virtual gathering! Learn more about GEST, help us define GEST, and make friends with each other. Make yourself at home.

All GEST members are welcome. To register, please indicate in the GEST application form (
Date: 15/9 (Tue) 
Time: 15:30 – 17:00
Format: Conducted via online platform
Language: English & Cantonese
  • Honorarium will be offered to certain job duties. Details will be announced on a job basis; or you can come to the Orientation Gathering to know more.
  • All GEST members will earn Reward Points under CEDARS Reward Scheme for Students ( ) when they perform their duties. Certificates will be presented to the students in recognition of their contribution subject to the Reward Points accumulated.

Date Time Venue
15 Sep 2020 15:30 - 17:00 Online Platform