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‘From Page to Stage; From Pace to Space’ Creative Workshop 《拖著一個城市走路》創作坊
‘From Page to Stage; From Pace to Space’ Creative Workshop 《拖著一個城市走路》創作坊



It's a workshop series (two 3-hour sessions) focusing on how movements and texts complement each other.  Contemporary physical theatre training merging with creative writing exercises focusing on the topic of 'Ideal Self' will kick start participants coming up with original material, and visualising them physically and sonically with the help of live music playing by musician Jing Wong and live recording and looping of their voices during the workshop.  This will be an intense experience with an expressive outlet that also shows them how to present their writings from page to stage.

- Mr. Jing Wong  黃靖先生
- Ms. Yvette Wong  王樂儀女士

Dates: 27/10 (Tue) & 29/10 (Thu) 
Time: 17:30 – 20:30 
Venue: CYM105, Chong Yuet Ming Amenities Centre or conducted via online platform  (If further suspension of face-to-face classes is announced, the workshop will be changed to online mode and shortened to 1.5 - 2 hrs per session.  Please stay tuned with the latest teaching and learning arrangements.)
Language: Cantonese supplemented with English
Quota: 15

Online registration starts at 10:00 on 9/9 (Wed):
► HKU Students - 

This project is financially supported by the Arts Capacity Development Funding Scheme of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

The content of this activity(ies) does not reflect the views of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

Date Time Venue
27 Oct 2020 17:30 - 20:30 CYM105 / Online Platform
29 Oct 2020 17:30 - 20:30 CYM105 / Online Platform
Bio of Instructor(s) 導師簡介:
Jing WongMr. Jing Wong 黃靖先生
香港唱作歌手,音樂風格受英倫民謡、藍調和搖滾影響。至今推出了四張唱片《Last Breath of Youthful Melancholy》、《How to Disappear》、《生活的小偷》和《我穿過青春》。 黃靖曾被邀請到不少大型音樂節如 2015 Clockenflap和自由約的舞台、2016 夏天到澳洲Adelaide OzAsia Festival演出、2017十月份再到韓國首爾Zandari Festa和PAMS兩個國際音樂藝術節演出,更為國際級樂團Belle & Sebastian、Kings of Convenience,Andrew Bird等等做暖場嘉賓;曾到30多個城市作個人巡演,現為Frenzi Music旗下音樂人。2018年11月舉行首個連開七場音樂獨腳戲並推出全新同名專輯《A Spy in the House of Love》。同時黃靖亦於不同單位如:文藝復興基金會、一個人一首歌等計劃擔任導師,幫助培訓香港年青音樂/創作人。
Jing Wong graduated as a Theatre Designer and Director in London's Central Saint Martins College of Art & Design with First Honours, he went on to create a fashion theatre brand with his sister Kay called Daydream Nation in 2007. He was first signed to People Mountain People Sea, and now signed to Frenzi Music. He has released a total of 5 albums/eps and has toured 30 cities in China and played at different music festivals such as Clockenflap, Wow and Flutter and Freespace Happening. He was also invited to play in Adelaide's OzAsia Festival in 2016, Zandari Festa and PAMS festival in Seoul in 2017. His songs featured in films by Ann Hui and Heiward Mak. He is also a keen educator who has taught young musicians regularly in events organised by the Renaissance Foundation and ‘Every Life is a Song’. His latest Theatre Concert/Concept Album “A Spy in the House of Love” released and performed in November 2018 is signaling his return to his theatre roots, where he explores how music and theatre can collide in a more artistic and creative format.

Yvette WongMs. Yvette Wong 王樂儀女士
二零一四年開始寫詞,合作歌手包括吳雨霏、吳莫愁、許廷鏗、黃妍、黃淑蔓、per se等,包辦王嘉儀《Sophrology》、《Quarter》及最新專輯《殘眼》的中文歌詞。同時參與不同劇場歌詞創作,亦為迪士尼作品《魔海奇緣》、《反轉極樂園》寫詞。另外,參與過不同展覽創作《迷糊情欲對象》、《I’m perfect》以及《只是看書》。王亦為青年學者,香港浸會大學人文及創作系研究碩士畢業,現為阿姆斯特丹大學博士候選人。
Yvette Lok Yee Wong, PhD candidate of University of Amsterdam, graduated from the Department of Humanities and Creative Writing at Hong Kong Baptist University where she received her M.Phil. Since 2014, she has been writing lyrics for artists including Kary Ng, Momo Wu, Sophy Wong, Cath Wong, per se, Alfred Hui, etc. She has published lyrics for Disney animated movies including Moana and Coco. Her proses and essays have also been sporadically published on Ming Pao, Zihua, Hong Kong Literature House, etc.