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From Artist to Artist-Citizen
From Artist to Artist-Citizen
Living in any society, we all have both rights and responsibility as citizens. In a free society, all individuals may freely choose the ways they want to participate in and contribute to that society. And what we can do depends on our strength and passion. Dr. Kacey Wong, a professor in design and an established artist, has been creating artworks that have strong links to social and political issues. He uses art as a channel to fulfil his aspiration to help humanity. In this talk, Kacey will share the stories of his artistry journey—how he transformed into an artist-citizen.

- Dr. Kacey Wong 黃國才博士

Date: 25/9 (Fri)
Time: 18:45 – 20:45
Format: Conducted via online platform
Language: English

Online registration starts at 10:00 on 9/9 (Wed):
► HKU Students and Staff - 
Lecture 講座 (25 Sep 2020)
Living in any society, we all have both rights and responsibility as citizens. In a free society, all individuals may freely choose the ways they want to participate in and contribute to that society. And what we can do depends on our strength and passion. Dr. Kacey Wong, a professor in design and an established artist, has been creating artworks that have strong links to social and political issues. He uses art as a channel to fulfil his aspiration to help humanity. In this talk, Kacey will share the stories of his artistry journey—how he transformed into an artist-citizen.

- Dr. Kacey Wong 黃國才博士

Date: 25/9 (Fri)
Time: 18:45 – 20:45
Format: Conducted via online platform
Language: English


► HKU Students and Staff - 
Speaker(s) 講師: Dr. Kacey Wong 黃國才博士

Date Time Venue
25 Sep 2020 18:45 - 20:45 Online Platform
Bio of Instructor(s) 導師簡介:
Kacey Wong
Dr. Kacey Wong
was born in Hong Kong. He studied architecture in Cornell University and received his Master of Fine Arts degree from the Chelsea School of Art and Design. He earned his Doctor of Fine Arts Degree at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology. He is the founding member of Art Citizens, Street Design Union, Umbrella Movement Art Preservation, and a former curator and member of Para/Site Art Space. He is also a former Assistant Professor at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, School of Design’s Environment and Interior Design Discipline. Currently he is an examiner at the Hong Kong Arts Development Council. His research investigates the role of artists and designers in social political causes. His works have been frequently featured by both local and international media outlets. Recently he was invited by TED Talk Vienna to discuss his protest art work.