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Stand-up Comedy Show
Stand-up Comedy Show
唔好笑就回水 — 免費廣東話棟篤笑
繼今年三月,平過深水埗,唔使上淘寶,棟篤笑實驗show。開show成功之後,2018新秀棟篤笑大賽亞軍Nicholas Tam今次同GE合作,再次邀請 Vivek Mahbubani、Tim Chan、Matina Leung等多位爆笑館Comedians齊齊講笑。
Undergraduate student, Nicholas Tam, teams up with Hall of Laughs HK for his second Cantonese comedy show in HKU, featuring local stars such as Vivek Mahbubani, Tim Chan, Matina Leung and more. Come and laugh your heart out and take a break from the semester!
Student Curator:
Nicholas Tam
(BSc, Year 4)


Vivek Mahbubani fb: @funnyVivekM
Tim Chan fb:@chanloktim.comedy
Matina Leung fb:@matinaleung.comedian
司馬丁 fb: @trulymadlyfunny
Anson Chung

Date: 4/10 (Fri)  Rescheduled to 11/10 (Fri) and combined with the following Open Mic Event
Time: 19:00 – 21:00
Venue: GE Gatherland2046
Language: Cantonese

Open Mic
如果你成日諗到笑話又怕喺朋友面前講出嚟俾人鄙視,Open Mic就係一個試笑話嘅絕佳地方!Open Mic係一個俾任何人免費上台講笑嘅地方,休閒又輕鬆。好多Comedian台上嘅笑話都係喺Open Mic試出嚟,所以鍾意搞笑嘅你,千祈唔好錯過呢個機會!就算唔上台都可以免費嚟聽,話唔定聽完你都會想上嚟玩下呢!
Don't miss the chance and unleash your inner jokester in this upcoming Open Mic – a platform for anyone to try out their jokes on stage at a relaxing and fun night! Every comedian starts out from an Open Mic so don't be shy! Just wanna watch the show and not perform? No problem, it's free!
Nicholas Tam
(BSc, Year 4)
Date: 11/10 (Fri)
Time: 19:00 – 21:00
Venue: GE Gatherland2046

Online registration starts at 10:00 on 5/9 (Thu)
HKU Students and Staff - 
Alumni and Public - 

Performance (11 Oct 2019)
The Stand-up Comedy Show originally held last Friday is now rescheduled to 11 Oct (Fri) and combined with the Open Mic event. Details are as follows:

繼今年三月,平過深水埗,唔使上淘寶,棟篤笑實驗show。開show成功之後,2018新秀棟篤笑大賽亞軍Nicholas Tam今次同GE合作,再次邀請 Vivek Mahbubani、Tim Chan、Matina Leung等多位爆笑館Comedians齊齊講笑。

睇完楝篤笑,仲可以試下Open Mic!Open Mic係一個俾任何人免費上台講笑嘅地方,休閒又輕鬆。好多Comedian台上嘅笑話都係喺Open Mic試出嚟,所以鍾意搞笑嘅你,千祈唔好錯過呢個機會!就算唔上台都可以嚟聽,話唔定聽完你都會想上嚟玩下呢!

Undergraduate student, Nicholas Tam, teams up with Hall of Laughs HK for his second Cantonese comedy show in HKU, featuring local stars such as Vivek Mahbubani, Tim Chan, Matina Leung and more. Come and laugh your heart out and take a break from the semester!
After the comedy show, don't miss the chance and unleash your inner jokester in the Open Mic session – a platform for anyone to try out their jokes on stage at a relaxing and fun night! Every comedian starts out from an Open Mic so don't be shy!

Student Curator:
Nicholas Tam (BSc, Year 4)

Vivek Mahbubani fb: @funnyVivekM
Tim Chan fb:@chanloktim.comedy
Matina Leung fb:@matinaleung.comedian
司馬丁 fb: @trulymadlyfunny
Anson Chung

Rescheduled Date:: 11/10 (Fri)
Time: 19:00 – 21:00
Venue: GE Gatherland2046
Language: Cantonese

HKU Students and Staff -
Alumni and Public - 

Date Time Venue
11 Oct 2019 19:00 - 21:00 GE Gatherland2046
Bio of Instructor(s) 導師簡介:
Vivek Mahbubani
Vivek Mahbubani

Vivek Mahbubani 是香港土生土長的棟篤笑藝人,擅以英語及粵語演出。他是 2007 年全港中文楝篤笑大賽冠軍人馬,於2008年更贏得全港英文楝篤笑大賽冠軍殊榮。Vivek曾於亞洲多處演出,他亦曾擔任香港電台電視節目《香港故事》主持人及於電影《家有囍事 2009》中演出一角。

Tim Chan
Tim Chan

他熱愛棟篤笑,自少便很喜歡喜劇,2009年在香港城市大學參加棟篤笑比賽開始了第一次的棟篤笑表演。2011年開始在Takeout Comedy Club表演棟篤笑,並在同年獲得全港棟篤笑大賽冠軍及為台柱Vivek Mahbubani個人棟篤笑作開場表演。2015年演出首個個人棟篤笑,同年亦為女藝人卓韻芝個人棟篤笑作開場表演。阿添相信笑是一種態度,笑能改變每個人的生活。 

Matina Leung
Matina Leung

2008年一次偶然的機會下,Matina上了一個楝篤笑工作坊後,對這表演藝術大感興趣。她一向喜歡令身邊的人開懷歡笑,所以希望可藉此鍛鍊幽默感。其後她有機會在教會舉辦的夏日嘉年華會中作了人生第一次45分鐘的楝篤笑演出!嚐過箇中滋味,Matina愛上了棟篤笑。2009年回流香港後開始正式踏上棟篤笑台,經常在不同場地作雙語演出。2012年冬季誕下女兒,成為全職湊女婆,把僅餘的睡覺時間差不多都放在棟篤笑中,真係笑中有淚……同好眼瞓!2016年1月膽粗粗攪了首次個人show,皆因懷了第二名,再唔做等幾時?現為兩女之母,Matina以棟篤笑為發洩舞台, 化怒為笑。



Anson Chung
Anson Chung

鍾卓桁,大學主修心理學,本地劇團Kamiscene團長及駐團編劇。2018年開始參與棟篤笑表演,最喜歡的棟篤笑藝人是Louis CK。

Nicholas Tam
Nicholas Tam
