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Book Club: 21 Lessons for the 21st Century
Book Club: 21 Lessons for the 21st Century
Required Readings:
21 Lessons for the 21st Century by Yuval Noah Harari
著名歷史學家Yuval Noah Harari 的最新著作《21 Lessons for the 21st Century》把兩道看來無關的歷史趨勢:人工智能崛起威脅全球就業,以及自由主義浴火重生書寫普世價值,巧妙起連結起來,在混帳紛亂的時局中理出頭緒,展示人類大歷史觀的智慧啟迪。
In this Book Club you will read the latest book 21 Lessons for the 21st Century by the global best-selling author Yuval Noah Harari. Is artificial intelligence replacing humans? Will the liberal story be abandoned, given the increasing pushback against it today? In bringing his focus to the here and now, Harari will help us to grapple with a world that is increasingly hard to comprehend.
Mr. Kevin Lau
 劉進圖先生 (Creative Content Director, One Media Group)

Dates: 2/10, 9/10, 23/10, 30/10 & 6/11 (Wed)

Time: 19:00 – 21:00
Venue: GE Gatherland2046
Language: Cantonese
Fee: $180 (Enrolled students will receive paperback copy of the book. A deposit of $100 will be refunded upon full attendance.)
Quota: 10 (FULL)

Enrolment Counters

4/9 (Wed)10:00 – 17:00K.K. Leung Concourse
5/9 (Thu) onwards09:30 – 13:00 & 14:00 – 18:15GE Office, 2/F, Pao Siu Loong Building

Date Time Venue
02 Oct 2019 19:00 - 21:00 GE Gatherland2046
23 Oct 2019 19:00 - 21:00 GE Gatherland2046
30 Oct 2019 19:00 - 21:00 GE Gatherland2046
06 Nov 2019 19:00 - 21:00 GE Gatherland2046
Bio of Instructor(s) 導師簡介:
Kevin LauMr. Kevin Lau 劉進圖先生 
