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Guided Tour to the Hong Kong News-Expo
Guided Tour to the Hong Kong News-Expo
Located at the former Bridges Street Market in Central District, the Hong Kong News-Expo (HKNE) is recently established as Asia’s first public news media education centre. The heritage building itself was among the first batch of public markets built after the end of World War II and was opened in 1953. And the Bridges Street neigbourhood has a deep, historical connection to the development of Hong Kong press, where most of the first offices of Hong Kong’s earliest newspapers were located. Moreover, the building sits partly on the former site of the American Congregational Mission Preaching Hall, where Dr. Sun Yat-sen was baptised in the 1880s.
In this visit, you will learn about the development of journalism in Hong Kong and understand the importance of the free flow of information as a cornerstone of Hong Kong’s success.

Guest speaker: Ms. Chan Siu Ping (Chief Executive Officer, Hong Kong News-Expo)
Date: 2/2 (Sat)
Time: 10:30 – 12:00
Venue: Hong Kong News-Expo, Bridges Street, Central District
Deposit: $40
Quota: 25 
Language: English

To enrol, please submit your application together with fee to GE office (2/F, Pao Siu Loong Building). Limited Quota, first come first admitted.

Date Time Venue
02 Feb 2019 10:30 - 12:00 Hong Kong News-Expo