Co-presented by CEDARS-GE and CapTV, the programme series In the House will invite guests from different fields to HKU. In the four sessions of interactive sharing and discussions, local issues will be taken as the lens for our fellow students to explore factors and thoughts constructing contemporary Hong Kong.
The Creative Student Team recruited at the beginning of the semester will assist in curating and producing the programme series.

第一場 - Session 1
你講咩嘢話?中英文 N Years Challenge
N Years Challenges of Chinese and English in HK
你講咩嘢話?廣東話囉!乜廣東話長遠嚟講仲有人講咩?唔講廣東話咁講英文啦,But呢……I don’t know呢……My English poor poor la
生活於2019年嘅香港,講咩語言先係明智之選?兩文三語仲存唔存在?點樣先可以學好語言?呢十幾廿年中英文又經歷咗咩挑戰?等Ben Sir同蕭叔叔同你拆解啦!
Cantonese and English have been the mainstream spoken languages in Hong Kong for decades. With undergoing and forthcoming changes in local communities, which language could be regarded as the ‘wisest choice’ for speaking? In what ways can we learn better and use more wisely and effectively of our languages?
▍嘉賓 Guests
- 歐陽偉豪博士 Ben Sir (藝人 TV Host & Actor)
- 蕭叔叔 Uncle Siu (蕭叔叔英式英文學會會長 Founder of Uncle Siu's British English Club)
日期 Date: 20 Feb 2019 (Wed)
時間 Time: 19:00 – 21:00
地點 Venue: KK101, 1/F, K.K. Leung Building LE1 (Hui Pun Hing Lecture Hall) [Venue changed]
語言 Language: Cantonese
▍Online Registration
HKU Students & Staff - (Registration Full)
Alumni & Public - (Registration Full)
** Official confirmation with admission instructions will be sent to all successful registrants by email by 18 Feb 2019 (Mon).
第二場 - Session 2
Ronald Cheng
Being an all-rounded Hong Kong entertainer, Ronald Cheng Chung-kei has often been associated with his humorous representation on screens. Does it mean that the sense of humor played as the key for his success in the entertainment industry? In what ways does the sense of humor help him facing the ups and downs in life?
▍嘉賓 Guest
- 鄭中基先生 Mr. Ronald Cheng (藝人 Artist)
(題目同嘉賓都係鄭中基 Topic and guest also as Ronald Cheng)
日期 Date:29 Mar 2019 (Fri)
時間 Time:12:45 – 14:00
地點 Venue:香港大學中山廣場 Sun Yat-sen Place, HKU
語言 Language: Cantonese
▍Online Registration
HKU Students & Staff - https://bit.ly/2HkAyDD
Alumni & Public - https://bit.ly/2HhFtoJ
第三場 - Session 3
In The House: Anthony Wong
曾幾何時,佢係專業「變態佬」 ; 曾幾何時,佢係專業「黑幫老大」; 曾幾何時,佢係專業「阿Sir」; 曾幾何時,佢仲係專業「神父」、「春田花花幼稚園校長」、「豆腐店老闆」⋯⋯2019年,佢成為一個專業嘅「淪落人」,佢叫做黃秋生!
Veteran Hong Kong-based actor Anthony Wong has participated in more than 200 films over the past 30 years. He has achieved both local and international recognition by garnering more than 10 awards as Best Actor and Best Supporting Actor since 1994. As avid practitioner and a bold critic of the entertainment and creative industries in Hong Kong, what kinds of insights would he share? How would he comment on the ups and downs in life and recent changes in Hong Kong?
▍嘉賓 Guest:
- 黃秋生先生 Mr. Anthony Wong(資深演員 Veteran Actor)
日期 Date:12 Apr 2019 (Fri)
時間 Time:19:00 – 20:30
地點 Venue:香港大學黃麗松講堂 Rayson Huang Theatre, HKU
語言 Language:Cantonese
▍Registration* (for admission quota)
HKU Students & Staff - https://bit.ly/2Vd6blE
Alumni & Public - https://bit.ly/2Udcuct
* Official confirmation with admission instructions will be sent to successful registrants via email by 11 April.
第四場 - Session 4
就讓標奇立異改變世界- Serrini x The Low Mays 音樂談
In the House: Serrini x The Low Mays
由細個開始,身邊就好似充斥住大量唔同嘅規則同標準限制我哋,假若唔跟隨就會被標籤為「標奇立異」、「壞份子」。同樣出身於港大嘅「陀地歌姬」Serrini同「富林六大富豪」The Low Mays,行嘅音樂風格截然不同,但偏偏佢哋嘅創作內容都有一種建立強烈自我身份、挑戰規則嘅感覺喺裡面。究竟佢哋點睇社會上唔同嘅規範同眼光?同時對於整個香港獨立音樂發展又有咩睇法?
It seems that we have been surrounded by numerous rules and norms limiting our everyday lives, while deviants tend to be imposed with negative stereotypes. Serrini and The Low Mays, local musicians rooted in HKU, used music as the instrument to construct strong self-identities and question existing rules. How would they evaluate the norms and judgments congested in our society? What are their views towards the development of indie music in Hong Kong?
This forum is the fourth session of the “In The House” event series. This final session was curated and produced by the CEDARS-GE x CapTV Student Team.
▍嘉賓 Guests:
- Serrini (獨立唱作人 Independent Singer-songwriter)
- The Low Mays (獨立Hip Hop組合 Independent Hip Hop Group)
日期 Date:18 Apr 2019 (Thu)
時間 Time:12:45 – 14:00
地點 Venue:香港大學中山廣場 Sun Yat-sen Place, HKU 梁銶琚樓地下大堂 K.K. Leung Concourse
# Venue changed due to possible bad weather conditions.
語言 Language:Cantonese
HKU Students & Staff - https://bit.ly/2UTHhuv
Alumni & Public - https://bit.ly/2v0QeDH
* Registration for receiving latest event updates and evaluation; free-seating and standing arrangement on first-come-first-served basis.
Co-presented by CEDARS-GE and CapTV, the programme series In the House will invite guests from different fields to HKU. In the four sessions of interactive sharing and discussions, local issues will be taken as the lens for our fellow students to explore factors and thoughts constructing contemporary Hong Kong.
The Creative Student Team recruited at the beginning of the semester will assist in curating and producing the programme series.

第一場 - Session 1
你講咩嘢話?中英文 N Years Challenge
N Years Challenges of Chinese and English in HK
你講咩嘢話?廣東話囉!乜廣東話長遠嚟講仲有人講咩?唔講廣東話咁講英文啦,But呢……I don’t know呢……My English poor poor la
生活於2019年嘅香港,講咩語言先係明智之選?兩文三語仲存唔存在?點樣先可以學好語言?呢十幾廿年中英文又經歷咗咩挑戰?等Ben Sir同蕭叔叔同你拆解啦!
Cantonese and English have been the mainstream spoken languages in Hong Kong for decades. With undergoing and forthcoming changes in local communities, which language could be regarded as the ‘wisest choice’ for speaking? In what ways can we learn better and use more wisely and effectively of our languages?
▍嘉賓 Guests
- 歐陽偉豪博士 Ben Sir (藝人 TV Host & Actor)
- 蕭叔叔 Uncle Siu (蕭叔叔英式英文學會會長 Founder of Uncle Siu's British English Club)
日期 Date: 20 Feb 2019 (Wed)
時間 Time: 19:00 – 21:00
地點 Venue: KK101, 1/F, K.K. Leung Building LE1 (Hui Pun Hing Lecture Hall) [Venue changed]
語言 Language: Cantonese
▍Online Registration
HKU Students & Staff - (Registration Full)
Alumni & Public - (Registration Full)
** Official confirmation with admission instructions will be sent to all successful registrants by email by 18 Feb 2019 (Mon).
第二場 - Session 2
Ronald Cheng
Being an all-rounded Hong Kong entertainer, Ronald Cheng Chung-kei has often been associated with his humorous representation on screens. Does it mean that the sense of humor played as the key for his success in the entertainment industry? In what ways does the sense of humor help him facing the ups and downs in life?
▍嘉賓 Guest
- 鄭中基先生 Mr. Ronald Cheng (藝人 Artist)
(題目同嘉賓都係鄭中基 Topic and guest also as Ronald Cheng)
日期 Date:29 Mar 2019 (Fri)
時間 Time:12:45 – 14:00
地點 Venue:香港大學中山廣場 Sun Yat-sen Place, HKU
語言 Language: Cantonese
▍Online Registration
HKU Students & Staff - https://bit.ly/2HkAyDD
Alumni & Public - https://bit.ly/2HhFtoJ
第三場 - Session 3
In The House: Anthony Wong
曾幾何時,佢係專業「變態佬」 ; 曾幾何時,佢係專業「黑幫老大」; 曾幾何時,佢係專業「阿Sir」; 曾幾何時,佢仲係專業「神父」、「春田花花幼稚園校長」、「豆腐店老闆」⋯⋯2019年,佢成為一個專業嘅「淪落人」,佢叫做黃秋生!
Veteran Hong Kong-based actor Anthony Wong has participated in more than 200 films over the past 30 years. He has achieved both local and international recognition by garnering more than 10 awards as Best Actor and Best Supporting Actor since 1994. As avid practitioner and a bold critic of the entertainment and creative industries in Hong Kong, what kinds of insights would he share? How would he comment on the ups and downs in life and recent changes in Hong Kong?
▍嘉賓 Guest:
- 黃秋生先生 Mr. Anthony Wong(資深演員 Veteran Actor)
日期 Date:12 Apr 2019 (Fri)
時間 Time:19:00 – 20:30
地點 Venue:香港大學黃麗松講堂 Rayson Huang Theatre, HKU
語言 Language:Cantonese
▍Registration* (for admission quota)
HKU Students & Staff - https://bit.ly/2Vd6blE
Alumni & Public - https://bit.ly/2Udcuct
* Official confirmation with admission instructions will be sent to successful registrants via email by 11 April.
第四場 - Session 4
就讓標奇立異改變世界- Serrini x The Low Mays 音樂談
In the House: Serrini x The Low Mays
由細個開始,身邊就好似充斥住大量唔同嘅規則同標準限制我哋,假若唔跟隨就會被標籤為「標奇立異」、「壞份子」。同樣出身於港大嘅「陀地歌姬」Serrini同「富林六大富豪」The Low Mays,行嘅音樂風格截然不同,但偏偏佢哋嘅創作內容都有一種建立強烈自我身份、挑戰規則嘅感覺喺裡面。究竟佢哋點睇社會上唔同嘅規範同眼光?同時對於整個香港獨立音樂發展又有咩睇法?
It seems that we have been surrounded by numerous rules and norms limiting our everyday lives, while deviants tend to be imposed with negative stereotypes. Serrini and The Low Mays, local musicians rooted in HKU, used music as the instrument to construct strong self-identities and question existing rules. How would they evaluate the norms and judgments congested in our society? What are their views towards the development of indie music in Hong Kong?
This forum is the fourth session of the “In The House” event series. This final session was curated and produced by the CEDARS-GE x CapTV Student Team.
▍嘉賓 Guests:
- Serrini (獨立唱作人 Independent Singer-songwriter)
- The Low Mays (獨立Hip Hop組合 Independent Hip Hop Group)
日期 Date:18 Apr 2019 (Thu)
時間 Time:12:45 – 14:00
地點 Venue:香港大學中山廣場 Sun Yat-sen Place, HKU 梁銶琚樓地下大堂 K.K. Leung Concourse
# Venue changed due to possible bad weather conditions.
語言 Language:Cantonese
HKU Students & Staff - https://bit.ly/2UTHhuv
Alumni & Public - https://bit.ly/2v0QeDH
* Registration for receiving latest event updates and evaluation; free-seating and standing arrangement on first-come-first-served basis.
Date | Time | Venue |
20 Feb 2019 | 19:00 - 21:00 | LE1 (Hui Pun Hing Lecture Hall) |
29 Mar 2019 | 12:45 - 14:00 | Sun Yat-sen Place |
12 Apr 2019 | 19:00 - 20:30 | Rayson Huang Theatre |
18 Apr 2019 | 12:45 - 14:00 | K.K. Leung Concourse |