提起深圳,你會想起甚麼?仍是羅湖商業城、世界之窗……還是其實從未踏足、印象模糊?這個與香港一河之隔的經濟特區,曾經是毫不起眼的荒蕪漁村,現在是超過1,200萬人口的中國一線城市,而且早於10年前已被聯合國教科文組織授予「設計之都」稱號,是全中國第一個入選城市。經歷10年的高速發展,今天的深圳已改頭換面,大大小小的創意文化園、美術館和創客空間相繼出現,吸引了無數充滿冒險精神的創意人和藝術家到這城市尋夢,更有國際著名藝術館進駐──英國V&A博物館的首個海外展館。究竟這個創意深圳是怎樣煉成的?我們將會走訪美術館、藝術中心、創客空間和Live House,還會邀請香港設計師分享開拓中國內地市場的經驗,一起找出深圳背後的創意城市催化劑。
Shenzhen has drastically transformed from a quiet fishing village into today’s vibrant first-tier city with a population of over 12 million. As early as in 2008, Shenzhen was appointed as a City of Design by the UNESCO Creative Cities Network. Over the last decade, numerous cultural parks, galleries, museums, and makerspace have emerged in Shenzhen, attracting adventurous and creative people and artists. Moreover, the prestigious London's Victoria & Albert Museum (V&A) has just opened its first overseas outpost in Shenzhen. How has this city become a creative hub in the region? We will find out during a day trip to Shenzhen, visiting galleries, an art centre, makerspace, and a Live House. A Hong Kong designer who has been developing the China market for over 10 years will also share his experience with us.
Talk: 設計合夥人──北上十年,然後呢? Ten Years to the North – What’s Next for a Hong Kong Designer?
Speaker: 高少康先生 Mr. Hong Ko (Partner and General Manager (China), KL&K Design)
Moderator: 歐陽檉博士 Dr. Shing Au-Yeung (Lecturer, Department of Sociology, HKU)
Date: 3/10 (Wed)
Time: 19:00 - 21:00
Venue: KK101, K. K. Leung Building
Language: Cantonese
Online registration (starts at 10:00 on 7/9 (Fri)):
For HKU students and staff:
For alumni and public:
Date: 20/10 (Sat)
Time: 08:30 - 20:00
Host: 歐陽檉博士 Dr. Au-Yeung Shing (Lecturer, Department of Sociology, HKU)
Language: Cantonese supplemented with English
Fee: $300 (including lunch and transportation between Hong Kong and Shenzhen)
Quota: 20
Enrolment at counters at Haking Wong Podium (for HKU students only) starts at 10:00 on 6/9 (Thu), or at GE office from 7/9 (Fri) onwards.
Shenzhen has drastically transformed from a quiet fishing village into today’s vibrant first-tier city with a population of over 12 million. As early as in 2008, Shenzhen was appointed as a City of Design by the UNESCO Creative Cities Network. Over the last decade, numerous cultural parks, galleries, museums, and makerspace have emerged in Shenzhen, attracting adventurous and creative people and artists. Moreover, the prestigious London's Victoria & Albert Museum (V&A) has just opened its first overseas outpost in Shenzhen. How has this city become a creative hub in the region? We will find out during a day trip to Shenzhen, visiting galleries, an art centre, makerspace, and a Live House. A Hong Kong designer who has been developing the China market for over 10 years will also share his experience with us.
Talk: 設計合夥人──北上十年,然後呢? Ten Years to the North – What’s Next for a Hong Kong Designer?
Speaker: 高少康先生 Mr. Hong Ko (Partner and General Manager (China), KL&K Design)
Moderator: 歐陽檉博士 Dr. Shing Au-Yeung (Lecturer, Department of Sociology, HKU)
Date: 3/10 (Wed)
Time: 19:00 - 21:00
Venue: KK101, K. K. Leung Building
Language: Cantonese
Online registration (starts at 10:00 on 7/9 (Fri)):
For HKU students and staff:
For alumni and public:
Date: 20/10 (Sat)
Time: 08:30 - 20:00
Host: 歐陽檉博士 Dr. Au-Yeung Shing (Lecturer, Department of Sociology, HKU)
Language: Cantonese supplemented with English
Fee: $300 (including lunch and transportation between Hong Kong and Shenzhen)
Quota: 20
Enrolment at counters at Haking Wong Podium (for HKU students only) starts at 10:00 on 6/9 (Thu), or at GE office from 7/9 (Fri) onwards.
Date | Time | Venue |
03 Oct 2018 | 19:00 - 21:00 | KK101 |
20 Oct 2018 | 08:30 - 20:00 | Shenzhen |
Bio of Instructor(s) 導師簡介:
高少康先生 Mr. Hong Ko
畢業於香港中文大學藝術系,2002年獲取志奮領留英奬學金,並赴倫敦印刷學院進修設計碩士課程。2010年獲提升為靳與劉設計合夥人,2013年公司正式易名為靳劉高設計 KL&K DESIGN。高少康獲《藝術與設計》雜誌選為年度人物(2011)、透視40驕子獎「Perspective: 40 under 40」(2014)、香港十大傑出設計師獎(2014),為中國與香港新一代設計界的代表人物。高氏經常接受媒體訪問與展覽邀請,參予專業評委與企業演講,專業備受認可。
歐陽檉博士 Dr. Shing Au-Yeung