“Art is life and life is art.” To encourage students to increase their exposure to arts and culture, two experienced art critics have been invited to share with you the writing techniques of art criticism and how to appreciate art and performance. Each participant will be required to write a piece of art critique on his/her chosen performance/exhibition after attending the workshops. A maximum ticket subsidy of HK$150 will be provided on a reimbursement basis. Selected writings may be published on the GE Facebook page or newspaper.
Session 1: 寫劇評其實唔難
Session 2: Articulating Culture: Building an Audience through Storytelling
Arts and culture give many people the impression of being highbrow, difficult to understand, and made for a small percentage of the population; and many writings about the subject have only served to solidify this impression. Coded with incomprehensible "artspeak" and big words, texts that are meant to explain arts and culture to an audience become an enigmatic facade, creating another hurdle that stops people from experiencing the joy and inspirations brought by an artist, an artwork, or a cultural activity.
Nevertheless, arts and culture bring great value to society as well as the much-needed creativity for personal growth. In this talk, journalist and cultural critic Vivienne Chow will discuss how storytelling can help to make arts and culture more accessible, building an audience that is curious and enthusiastic. She will also share her experiences in telling culture stories that appeal to a wider audience, from traditional writing to digital media.
Dates: 27/9 (Thu) & 8/10 (Mon)
Time: 18:45-20:45
Venue: KK101
Ms. Vivienne Chow (27/9)
鄭威鵬(小西) Dr. Cheng Wai Pang, Damian (8/10)
Language: English (27/9) & Cantonese (8/10)
Deposit: $100 (refundable upon full attendance of workshops and submission of art critique)
Quota: 25
Enrolment at counters at Haking Wong Podium (for HKU students only) starts at 10:00 on 6/9 (Thu), or at GE office from 7/9 (Fri) onwards.
Registration for TALKS ONLY (no ticket subsidy):
Session 1: 寫劇評其實唔難
For HKU Students & Staff:
Session 2: Articulating Culture: Building an Audience through Storytelling
For HKU Students & Staff:
Session 1: 寫劇評其實唔難
Session 2: Articulating Culture: Building an Audience through Storytelling
Arts and culture give many people the impression of being highbrow, difficult to understand, and made for a small percentage of the population; and many writings about the subject have only served to solidify this impression. Coded with incomprehensible "artspeak" and big words, texts that are meant to explain arts and culture to an audience become an enigmatic facade, creating another hurdle that stops people from experiencing the joy and inspirations brought by an artist, an artwork, or a cultural activity.
Nevertheless, arts and culture bring great value to society as well as the much-needed creativity for personal growth. In this talk, journalist and cultural critic Vivienne Chow will discuss how storytelling can help to make arts and culture more accessible, building an audience that is curious and enthusiastic. She will also share her experiences in telling culture stories that appeal to a wider audience, from traditional writing to digital media.
Dates: 27/9 (Thu) & 8/10 (Mon)
Time: 18:45-20:45
Venue: KK101
Ms. Vivienne Chow (27/9)
鄭威鵬(小西) Dr. Cheng Wai Pang, Damian (8/10)
Language: English (27/9) & Cantonese (8/10)
Deposit: $100 (refundable upon full attendance of workshops and submission of art critique)
Quota: 25
Enrolment at counters at Haking Wong Podium (for HKU students only) starts at 10:00 on 6/9 (Thu), or at GE office from 7/9 (Fri) onwards.
Registration for TALKS ONLY (no ticket subsidy):
Session 1: 寫劇評其實唔難
For HKU Students & Staff:
Session 2: Articulating Culture: Building an Audience through Storytelling
For HKU Students & Staff:
Date | Time | Venue |
27 Sep 2018 | 18:45 - 20:45 | KK101 |
08 Oct 2018 | 18:45 - 20:45 | KK101 |
Bio of Instructor(s) 導師簡介:

鄭威鵬(小西) Dr. Cheng Wai Pang, Damian
Articles: http://www.artscritics.hk/?a=doc&id=438

Vivienne Chow, founder of Cultural Journalism Campus, is an award-winning journalist and critic specialising in arts, culture and cultural politics. She is an independent writer and contributes to a number of international media including Quartz, Variety, BBC and South China Morning Post. She is also a lecturer on journalism, media and culture. She has taught arts and culture journalism at the Journalism and Media Studies Centre at The University of Hong Kong and is a regular public speaker. She is the recipient of the IJP Premium Fellowship Award 2018 in Germany in honour of her achievements in journalism. The award brings her back to Berlin for a three-month research journey.
Website: www.viviennechow.com