在過去十多年間,通訊科技的發展令電腦及智能手機成為我們日常生活中不可缺少的一部分。傳播學家Marshall McLuhan曾指出「媒介即是訊息」,媒介本身的出現會帶來一種社會現象,改變人對事的認知和體會。通訊科技所帶來的改變,除了外在的人際關係,還有內在自我審視的方式和態度。在這時代,「機不離手」是一個正常或反常的現象?智能手機以及新媒體的普及為我們帶來新的機遇,還是過度地消耗時間?我們透過這系列的活動,一起思索新興媒介所帶來的意義、尋找繼續努力成長的方向。
Our perceptions of communication technologies and respective gadgets have been changing in the past decades. As media theorist Marshall McLuhan proposed, “The medium is the message”, the emergence of a new media form brings changes in our everyday experience. We are all growing up together in this age of digital gadgets, but are we aware of the ways that we are being changed by new forms of communication? Is it normal or abnormal to be a so-called digital-addict? In this series, let’s explore and reflect on how we are living with communication technologies.
New Media: A Platform for Cultivating Dreams and Possibilities
New media provides us with a space for dreaming - it can be a platform for us all to have our dreams come true. While living in this age of digital gadgets, we can simply share our thoughts and creative ideas on various social media platforms, and even earn a living as an online influencer (a.k.a. key opinion leader). Indeed, the virtual world constructed by new media could be both a place for cultivating dreams and escaping from reality. What kinds of possibilities might be derived from this new world?
朱順慈博士 Dr. Donna Chu (香港中文大學新聞與傳播學院副教授)
張家希先生 Mr. Jonathan Cheung (WHIZOO項目經理)
Language: Cantonese
Date: 19/9 (Wed)
Time: 18:45 – 20:45
Venue: KK101
Enrolment at counters (for HKU students only) starts at 10:00 on 6/9 (Thu), at Haking Wong Podium.
Online registration (starts at 10:00 on 7/9 (Fri)):
For HKU students and staff: https://hkuems1.hku.hk/hkuems/ec_regform.aspx?ueid=59328
For alumni and public: https://hkuems1.hku.hk/hkuems/ec_regform.aspx?guest=Y&ueid=59329
離線生活營 Offline Day Camp
環顧四周,地球人或多或少都染上不同程度的「上網成癮症」、「Disconnect焦慮症」、「社交媒體與現實人格分裂」……具體徵狀包括機不離手、眼睛不離熒幕,毒素積累,身心發展狀況和受影響範圍未明。為了幫大家排排毒,我們決定與大家一起遠離繁囂,來到石崗山頭,享受一趟回歸自然的「森林浴」(Shinrin Yoku),品嚐本地新鮮有機菜,重新體驗離線生活,換個角度,思索更多生活的可能性。
Enjoy a day offline in the countryside and contemplate the many different ways of living. At the campsite surrounded by woods and mountains, we will reconnect with nature by taking a forest bath, also known as Shinrin Yoku, and by refreshing our taste buds with delicious cuisine from local produce. Keeping our eyes off the screens may open up more possibilities for us.

Guest instructors:
Ms. Amanda Yik (Founder, Shinrin Yoku Hong Kong)
Dr. Donna Chu (Associate Professor, School of Journalism and Communication, CUHK)
Language: English supplemented with Cantonese
Date: 6/10 (Sat)
Time: 09:30 – 17:30
Venue: Kadoorie Centre, Shek Kong
Fee: $120/ $100# (including lunch and transportation between Kam Sheung Road MTR station and the venue)
Quota: 25
#Discounted fee for first year undergraduates
Enrolment at counters at Haking Wong Podium (for HKU students only) starts at 10:00 on 6/9 (Thu), or at GE office from 7/9 (Fri) onwards.
在過去十多年間,通訊科技的發展令電腦及智能手機成為我們日常生活中不可缺少的一部分。傳播學家Marshall McLuhan曾指出「媒介即是訊息」,媒介本身的出現會帶來一種社會現象,改變人對事的認知和體會。通訊科技所帶來的改變,除了外在的人際關係,還有內在自我審視的方式和態度。在這時代,「機不離手」是一個正常或反常的現象?智能手機以及新媒體的普及為我們帶來新的機遇,還是過度地消耗時間?我們透過這系列的活動,一起思索新興媒介所帶來的意義、尋找繼續努力成長的方向。
Our perceptions of communication technologies and respective gadgets have been changing in the past decades. As media theorist Marshall McLuhan proposed, “The medium is the message”, the emergence of a new media form brings changes in our everyday experience. We are all growing up together in this age of digital gadgets, but are we aware of the ways that we are being changed by new forms of communication? Is it normal or abnormal to be a so-called digital-addict? In this series, let’s explore and reflect on how we are living with communication technologies.
New Media: A Platform for Cultivating Dreams and Possibilities
New media provides us with a space for dreaming - it can be a platform for us all to have our dreams come true. While living in this age of digital gadgets, we can simply share our thoughts and creative ideas on various social media platforms, and even earn a living as an online influencer (a.k.a. key opinion leader). Indeed, the virtual world constructed by new media could be both a place for cultivating dreams and escaping from reality. What kinds of possibilities might be derived from this new world?
朱順慈博士 Dr. Donna Chu (香港中文大學新聞與傳播學院副教授)
張家希先生 Mr. Jonathan Cheung (WHIZOO項目經理)
Language: Cantonese
Date: 19/9 (Wed)
Time: 18:45 – 20:45
Venue: KK101
Enrolment at counters (for HKU students only) starts at 10:00 on 6/9 (Thu), at Haking Wong Podium.
Online registration (starts at 10:00 on 7/9 (Fri)):
For HKU students and staff: https://hkuems1.hku.hk/hkuems/ec_regform.aspx?ueid=59328
For alumni and public: https://hkuems1.hku.hk/hkuems/ec_regform.aspx?guest=Y&ueid=59329
離線生活營 Offline Day Camp
環顧四周,地球人或多或少都染上不同程度的「上網成癮症」、「Disconnect焦慮症」、「社交媒體與現實人格分裂」……具體徵狀包括機不離手、眼睛不離熒幕,毒素積累,身心發展狀況和受影響範圍未明。為了幫大家排排毒,我們決定與大家一起遠離繁囂,來到石崗山頭,享受一趟回歸自然的「森林浴」(Shinrin Yoku),品嚐本地新鮮有機菜,重新體驗離線生活,換個角度,思索更多生活的可能性。
Enjoy a day offline in the countryside and contemplate the many different ways of living. At the campsite surrounded by woods and mountains, we will reconnect with nature by taking a forest bath, also known as Shinrin Yoku, and by refreshing our taste buds with delicious cuisine from local produce. Keeping our eyes off the screens may open up more possibilities for us.

Guest instructors:
Ms. Amanda Yik (Founder, Shinrin Yoku Hong Kong)
Dr. Donna Chu (Associate Professor, School of Journalism and Communication, CUHK)
Language: English supplemented with Cantonese
Date: 6/10 (Sat)
Time: 09:30 – 17:30
Venue: Kadoorie Centre, Shek Kong
Fee: $120/ $100# (including lunch and transportation between Kam Sheung Road MTR station and the venue)
Quota: 25
#Discounted fee for first year undergraduates
Enrolment at counters at Haking Wong Podium (for HKU students only) starts at 10:00 on 6/9 (Thu), or at GE office from 7/9 (Fri) onwards.
Date | Time | Venue |
19 Sep 2018 | 18:45 - 20:45 | KK101 |
06 Oct 2018 | 09:30 - 17:30 | Kadoorie Centre, Shek Kong |