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GEST Training: Simultaneous Interpretation Workshop
GEST Training: Simultaneous Interpretation Workshop

Language should not be a barrier to learning. Therefore, simultaneous interpretation in English or Putonghua is available for GE programmes conducted in Cantonese. HKU students who are studying interpretation courses will be invited to be our interpreters. This arrangement not only ensures that non-local students can benefit from the learning opportunities at GE but also provides student interpreters with practical, hands-on experience.  

Session 1 - More Than Words

Instructor: 陳永傑先生 Mr. Steven Chan (香港大學中文學院教學助理)
Date: 18/9 (Mon)
Time: 18:45 – 20:45
Venue: Gatherland2001
Quota: 40
Language: Cantonese supplemented with English

Session 2- 會議傳譯 唔講你唔知 What You Do Not Know About Conference Interpreting
The work of a conference interpreter, which is both challenging and rewarding, in fact relates to various aspects of our daily life. Drawing on his  thirty years of practical experience as a translator and interpreter, Dr. Cheung King Man will reveal the fascinating world of conference interpreting, and share with us all the interesting real-life stories comparable to TV dramas.

Instructor: 張敬文博士 Dr. Cheung King Man (資深傳譯員及大學兼職講師)
Dates: 25/9 (Mon)
Time: 18:45 – 20:45
Venue: KK101, K.K. Leung Building
Language: Cantonese supplemented with English

Registration (starts at 10:00 on 13/9):
For HKU students and staff -

For alumni and public -

Date Time Venue
18 Sep 2017 18:45 - 20:45 Gatherland2001
25 Sep 2017 18:45 - 20:45 KK101
Bio of Instructor(s) 導師簡介:
Steven ChanMr. Steven Chan 陳永傑先生
Mr. Steven Chan is a Teaching Assistant of English-Chinese interpreting at the School of Chinese, HKU. He is currently an MPhil candidate of translation studies and a freelance interpreter and translator.
Cheung King ManDr. Cheung King Man 張敬文博士
Dr. Cheung joined the Hong Kong Civil Service in 1987 and retired in 2003 as a Senior Chinese Language Officer. He was posted to the then Putonghua Interpretation Section of the Official Languages Division from 1991 to 2003. Apart from translating documents relating to various channels of governmental contacts between Hong Kong and  Mainland , he was also responsible for providing English/Putonghua interpretation services at high-level meetings between Hong Kong and Mainland officials.
He was awarded a Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) degree by Curtin University of Technology, Australia in 2005 after completing his doctoral thesis on public sector reform. In 2008, he was awarded the degree of Juris Doctor (JD) with distinction by City University of Hong Kong. Dr. Cheung has been teaching translation and interpretation on a part-time basis since 2006 at various institutions, including The University of Hong Kong, City University of Hong Kong, the School of Continuing and Professional Studies of the Chinese University of Hong Kong , and Hang Seng Management College. He has also conducted several workshops for the Official Languages Division and the Independent Commission Against Corruption on topics covering economics, financial translation and conference interpreting.