Public Lecture
Date 日期: | 25 Apr 2023 | ||||||||||||||||
Time 時間: | 6:30pm - 8:30pm | ||||||||||||||||
Venue 地點: | GE Gatherland (MB240, 2/F, Main Building) | ||||||||||||||||
Speaker(s) 講師: | Vanessa Leung (BA, Year 5) & Kitty Ngai (BSocSc, Year 3) |
Summary 內容: | Café Philo 返嚟啦!我地會喺25/4(星期二) 舉行今個學期最後一場討論。 生活免不了各種營營役役,浮浮沉沉。我們有感要和身邊人進行一場「deep talk」並非理所當然。有見及此,我們希望營造一個互相尊重且舒適的環境,讓大家可以隨心討論各種議題和思緒。我們追求哲理研究上的嚴謹性,同時也希望能走出象牙塔,將哲思和生活重新連繫。我們在港大籌劃Café Philo,願能匯聚志同道合的朋輩,透過對談,拓闊生活和思辨之間的各種可能性。 Café Philo is back! We will be holding our last session this semester on 25/4 (Tues). Café Philo is a culture first initiated in France, providing an opportunity for the public to be engaged in informal conversation on philosophical topics, bringing philosophy out of the rigorous academic context. We welcome students from all backgrounds to join us for a philosophy night! # 3 (未)經審視的生活 今次Café Philo將會討論與人生意義及生活相關的哲學概念,希望能以概念為鏡,內觀自身、審視日常。我們會播放以下數名哲學家的訪問節錄,如斯拉沃熱·齊澤克、朱迪斯·巴特勒、彼得·辛格、康乃爾·韋斯特、阿維塔爾·羅奈爾、奎邁·安東尼·阿皮亞、瑪莎·努斯鮑姆和麥可·哈特等,啟發思考與分享。 (這不是正式學術討論,事前不需要任何有關專業知識。) # Session 3 “The Examined/ Unexamined life” In this 2-hour session, we will focus on philosophical ideas that attempt to answer the question: What is the meaning of life? How should we live our lives? We will talk about how to apply philosophical thinking to examine our daily lives, covering a few philosophers from the list: Slavoj Žižek, Judith Butler, Peter Singer, Cornel West, Avital Ronell, Kwame Anthony Appiah, Martha Nussbaum and Michael Hardt. Video excerpts of the philosophers’ interviews would be played following free-flow discussion sessions. (It is not an academic discussion. No prior knowledge is required.)
Registration (For HKU Students only): |
Bio of Speaker(s) 講者簡介: |