Public Lecture
Date 日期: | 29 Mar 2023 | |
Time 時間: | 6:45pm - 9:00pm | |
Venue 地點: | KK202, KK Leung Building, HKU | |
Summary 內容: | 甚麼是關係?甚麼是故事?甚麼是惡夢?甚麼是成就?甚麼是悲傷?甚麼是表白?甚麼是戀愛? What’s a relationship? What’s a story? What’s a nightmare? What’s achievement? What’s sadness? What’s love confession? What’s falling in love? 林奕華導演、7位港大同學、14齣電影、2天的日光、9個問題,創作了7個面對面聊天的錄像作品。 一齣齣「陪我成長」的電影,一趟透過電影與成長的「對談」,會從一定的距離找到意外的交匯?會因為探索甚麼是成長而有所成長?會成為繼續成長的靈感? Theatre director, Edward Lam, 7 HKU students, 14 movies, 2 days and 9 questions, created 7 video works of face-to-face chat. Will there be any unexpected intersection between these movies and the exchange? Will there be any growing by exploring the essence of growth? Will it become an inspiration for our coming of age? 日期 Date: 22/3 & 29/3/2023 (Wed) 時間 Time: 18:45 – 21:00 地點 Venue: KK202, KK Leung Building, HKU 語言 Language: Cantonese 粵語 (Simultaneous interpretation in Putonghua will be provided upon request.) 講者 Speakers: 林奕華 Edward Lam (原創概念及導演 Original Concept & Director) 袁錦倫 Kenneth Yuen (影像導演 Video Director) & HKU Students 參與學生 Participating Students 陳昊凡 Chen Haofan (BA&BEd(LangEd)-Chin, Year 2) 馮芊惠 Feng Qianhui (BPsych, Year 1) 何希桐 Ho Hei Tung (BSc, Year 3) 劉柏希 Lau Pak Hei (BBA(Law)&LLB, Year 3) 梁皓渭 Leung Hao Wei Vanessa (BA, Year 5) 阮辰 Ruan Chen (BEcon&Fin, Year 4) 胡希婷 Wu Hei Ting (BSS(GL)&LLB, Year 2) 登記 Registration*: 港大學生及職員 HKU Students & Staff (29/3): https://hkuems1.hku.hk/hkuems/ec_hdetail.aspx?ueid=85992 校友及公眾人士 Alumni & Public (29/3): https://hkuems1.hku.hk/hkuems/ec_hdetail.aspx?guest=Y&ueid=85994 * 22/3 及 29/3 將會放映不同的影片,歡迎出席兩天的放映分享會。 Different videos will be screened on 22/3 and 29/3. You are welcome to attend both sessions. Chinese and English subtitles are available for the videos. |
Bio of Speaker(s) 講者簡介: | Edward Lam 林奕華 Artistic Director, Edward Lam Dance Theatre 「非常林奕華」藝術總監,劇場導演。至今編導超過60齣原創作品。香港藝術發展獎藝術家年獎(戲劇)得主,並分別憑《男人與女人之戰爭與和平》、《紅娘的異想世界之在西廂》、《紅樓夢》三獲上海現代戲劇谷「壹戲劇大賞」年度最佳導演獎。2016年台灣《PAR表演藝術》雜誌出版第一本研究林奕華導演作品的著作《Who’s Afraid of 林奕華:在劇場,與禁忌玩遊戲》(徐硯美著)。1997年開始主持港大通識課程。 Artistic Director and Theatre Director of the Edward Lam Dance Theatre, Lam founded Zuni Icosahedron with friends in the early 1980s, and established the Edward Lam Dance Theatre during his residence in London (1989 to 1995). Since returning to Hong Kong in 1995, he has devoted himself to the theatre and has directed 64 original works. Lam was awarded “Best Director” at “Modern Drama Valley’s One Drama Awards” for his works, Men and Women, War and Peace (2010), The Doppelgänger (2012), and What is Sex? (2017), and was named “Artist of the Year” (Theatre) by the Hong Kong Arts Development Council in 2017. His musical theatre piece, Art School Musical (2014) has toured over a dozen cities in Asia, and had its fourth rerun in Hong Kong at Freespace in October 2019. Books of Lam’s collected essays include Waiting For Hong Kong, The Meaning Of Entertainment, Evil But Glamorous, My TV Dinner Years, and Leading Ladies In The Mandarin Cinema. Who Is Afraid Of Edward Lam? Alexander Hsu’s analysis of Lam’s stage works from 2006 to 2015, was published by Performing Arts Review in Taiwan (2016). |