Movie Screening
Date 日期: | 08 Feb 2023 | |
Time 時間: | 7:00pm - 8:15pm | |
Venue 地點: | 高先電影院 Golden Scene Cinema | |
Summary 內容: | 一部關於英華女校的紀錄片,紀錄着香港的變化。從2011年至今,置身香港這動盪年頭,由無憂童年成長到困惑青年,讓我們回到自己的過去,反思失去了的青蔥歲月…… Filmtastic這次邀請到導演張婉婷及其中一位主角佘麗薇作映後談,分享電影中的故事。 “To My Nineteen Year Old Self”, a documentary following a group of young students since 2011, captures the trials and tribulations that go with the most turbulent decade in Hong Kong's history. An up-close and honest coming-of-age saga, with fascinating stories to tell, and personal journeys of self-discovery and realisation. There will be a discussion with Director Mabel Cheung and one of the protagonists Shear Lai Mei at HKU. All are welcome to join. GE2022-44B | 走過永恆的片刻《給十九歲的我》Going through a Moment in Time “To: My Nineteen-year-old Self” We regret to inform you that this programme will be postponed, until further notice. |