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“Hong Kong Family” Discussion
《過時 · 過節》映後談
Date 日期:  22 Nov 2022
Time 時間: 6:45pm - 8:15pm
Venue 地點: Studio 303, CYMCC, HKU
Speaker(s) 講師: 曾慶宏 (Eric Tsang Hing-weng), *毛舜筠 (Teresa Mo Shun-kwan) (*Change of guest)
Summary 內容: 「冬至大過年」,冬至飯局最緊要一家人齊齊整整,但已經破碎的關係,能否透過一場久違的飯局冰釋前嫌?通識 (CEDARS-GE)與電影《過時 · 過節》的團隊合作,為港大同學帶來一個引起共鳴的家庭故事。以一個家庭的小故事,讓自己重新思索家庭的意義,透過箇中的矛盾、反思及原諒,感受家人間那種愛恨交織,又難以言盡的感情。《過時 · 過節》香港大學放映會已於11月9日順利舉行,我們將於11月22日在港大舉行座談會,屆時導演及演員將與港大同學分享。

“Winter Solstice is more important than the New Year”. A winter solstice dinner may gather everyone, but can it reconcile a broken relationship? CEDARS-GE collaborates with the production team of the film “Hong Kong Family”, curating a series of programmes for all HKU students to reflect on their relationship with the family and rethink the meaning of it. After the HKU screening of “Hong Kong Family” on Nov 9 (Wed) at MOViE MOViE Cityplaza, there will be a discussion on Nov 22 (Tue) at HKU.  All are welcome to join.

《過時過節》映後談 “Hong Kong Family” Discussion
嘉賓 Guest Speakers:曾慶宏 (Eric Tsang Hing-weng), *毛舜筠 (Teresa Mo Shun-kwan) (*Change of guest)
主持 Hosts:阿果 (Kenny Leung), 黃祉祺 (Jackie Wong)
日期Date:22/11/2022 (Tue)
時間Time:18:45 – 20:15
地點Venue:Studio 303, CYMCC, HKU
語言 Language:Cantonese (Simultaneous interpretation will be provide on request before 15 Nov)
Remarks:Walk-ins may be available after 18:30 in case there are absentees
Registration (HKU students & staff only):

▍電影資料 About the film:


The chaos began at the Winter Solstice dinner eight years ago. The father lost his temper, the son, not able to forgive his father, ran away from home. Eight years have passed, and the family's relationship is still cold and distant. A cousin returns to Hong Kong from England and hopes to gather everyone for a Winter Solstice dinner. The long-awaited gathering prompted everyone to rethink their relationships with family members. Some choose to leave, some are back. When things are about to fall apart, it might as well be an opportunity to mend connections.

導演 Director : 曾慶宏 Tsang Hing Weng Eric
演員 Cast :
毛舜筠 Teresa Mo
謝君豪 Tse Kwan Ho
呂爵安 Edan Lui
談善言 Hedwig Tam
袁澧林 Angela Yuen
盧瀚霆 Anson Lo
馮素波 Fung So Bor
片長 Duration: 112 mins
語言 Language: Cantonese with Chinese and English subtitle