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Public Lecture
“Aesthetics and the Body” Talk and Recruitment
Date 日期:  17 Nov 2022
Time 時間: 5:00pm - 5:35pm
Venue 地點: MB237, 2/F, Main Building, The University of Hong Kong
Speaker(s) 講師: 黃俊達 Ata Wong Chun Tat (劇場導演 Theatre Director) &
范進鵬 Stephen Fan (時裝設計師  Fashion Designer)
Summary 內容: 由康樂及文化事務署推行的「大專生藝術通識計劃」,為大專生提供全方位表演藝術的體驗,透過系列式的交流活動,讓大專生從多角度認識及了解表演藝術。


The Leisure and Cultural Services Department has orgniased the scheme 'General Education in Arts Programme for Tertiary Students' providing an interactive platform for tertiary students to learn and experience performing arts under professional guidance in the process of creating their own artistic works so as to acquire an in-depth understanding of performing arts and specific art forms.

With Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream as a point of departure, the multimedia education project of school year 2022/23, Love-in-idleness by Théâtre de la Feuille, will engage 30 tertiary students who will participate in a series of talks, workshops, rehearsals and finale performances to learn about multimedia and explore their interests in the performing arts.  Arts technology, including 3D printing for mask and costume creation, will be used in the project.  In the finale performances, students will showcase their interpretation of A Midsummer Night's Dream with the collaboration of theatre, literature and technology. 
This programme will be conducted in Cantonese.

嘉賓 Guests:黃俊達 Ata Wong Chun Tat (劇場導演 Theatre Director) & 范進鵬 Stephen Fan (時裝設計師  Fashion Designer)
日期 Date:17/11/2022 (Thu)
時間 Time: 17:00 - 17:35
地點 Venue:MB237, 2/F, Main Building, The University of Hong Kong
語言 Language:廣東話Cantonese (Simultaneous interpretation in English will be provided upon request before 10/11)
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