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News & Events

Public Lecture
Far Far Away Screening and Discussion
Date 日期:  09 Sep 2022
Time 時間: 3:30pm - 9:15pm
Venue 地點: Studio 303, CYMCC, HKU
Speaker(s) 講師: 黃浩然導演 Director Mr. Amos WHY
岑珈其先生 Mr. Kaki Sham
Summary 內容: 《緣路山旮旯》放映會 Far Far Away Screening

日期 Date:9/9/2022 (Fri)
時間 Time:15:30 – 17:00
地點 Venue:Studio 303, CYMCC, HKU
名額 Quota:100
費用 Fee:Free of charge
備註 Remarks:Walk-ins may be available after 15:15 in case there are absentees

*本場次不設映後談 No post-screening discussion will be held for this session
► Registration: (FULL)

《緣路山旮旯》放映及映後談 Far Far Away Screening and Discussion

嘉賓 Guest Speakers:黃浩然導演 Director Mr. Amos WHY
岑珈其先生 Mr. Kaki Sham
日期 Date:9/9/2022 (Fri)
時間 Time:18:45 – 21:15
地點 Venue:Studio 303, CYMCC, HKU
名額 Quota:100
費用 Fee:Free of charge
備註 Remarks:Walk-ins may be available after 18:30 in case there are absentees

► Registration: (FULL)

▍電影資料 About the film:

導演 Director:黃浩然 Amos WHY
主演 Cast:岑珈其 Kaki Sham, 余香凝 Jennifer Yu, 陳漢娜 Hanna Chan, 梁雍婷 Rachel Leung, 蘇麗珊 Cecilia So, 張紋嘉 Crystal Cheung
片長 Length:95 minutes
語言 Language:Cantonese (with Chinese and English subtitles) more thing:

山旮旯北區遊 Far Far Away Tour in the Northern District

由《緣路山旮旯》取景嘅沙頭角禁區外圍,到鏡蓉書屋、粉嶺圍、馬草壟等多個具歷史價值的北區景點,陳智遠先生同活現香港 (Walk in Hong Kong) 團隊將帶領港大同學,以第一身感受、認識香港鮮為人知嘅歷史。

Starting from the entrance of Sha Tau Kok frontier closed area in the film "Far Far Away", to Kang Yung Study Hall, Fanling Wai, Ma Tso Lung, etc., Mr. Paul Chan and his team (Walk in Hong Kong) will lead us to numerous historical sites in the northern district of Hong Kong from a first-person narrator to tell us the beauty and history of Hong Kong.

日期 Date:24/9/2022 (Sat)
時間 Time:14:00 – 17:30

Registration starts on 8/9/2022 (Thu). First come first served.
- Face-to-face registration starts at 10am at GE Gatherland (MB240, Main Building)
- The remaining quota will be released online at 11am: 

Bio of Speaker(s) 講者簡介: 黃浩然導演 Mr. Amos WHY

曾任香港公開大學人文社會科學院高級講師。先後畢業於香港演藝學院(電影電視文憑)、香港理工大學(多媒體碩士)、香港大學(心理學深造文憑)和香港中文大學(體育學碩士)。前香港男子曲棍球代表。過去為香港電台電視部自編自導十部外判記錄片與單元劇,首部長片《點對點》(2014) 於 2013 年北京電影節電影市場奪得最具商業潛力獎,第38屆香港國際電影節首映,為香港電影評 論學會年度推薦電影,並獲第34屆香港電影金像獎兩項提名:新晉導演以及最佳新演員。2018年底推出第二部自編自導長片《逆向誘拐》。

A Hong Kong native writer for printed media since aged 17, Amos is a Film/TV graduate of HKAPA and held postgraduate qualifications in Multimedia, Psychology and Sports. He has been a writer-director for Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK)’s commissioning documentaries and single episode TV drama since 2001, and he has been awarded 10 production contracts for 22-minute TV dramas and documentaries by RTHK between 2002 and 2016. Amos directed his first feature film ‘Dot 2 Dot’ in 2014, which has been recognised as the film of merit by the Hong Kong Film Critics Society Awards in 2015. Amos also worked as a Senior Lecturer at the Open University of Hong Kong from 2014 – 2020, while completing his second feature film ‘Napping Kid’ in 2018. His third feature film, ‘Far Far Away’ was selected as the Closing Film of the Hong Kong Asian Film Festival in 2021.

岑珈其先生 Mr. Kaki Sham


Kaki Sham is a Hong Kong actor, who started his performing career as a movie actor at the age of 16. He was getting more well-known after appearing in the film 'Weeds on Fire' in 2016. His smart and energetic image is becoming more iconic after several appearances on ViuTV dramas and variety shows such as 'Limited Education', 'Leap Day', 'In Geek We Trust' and the 'be ON game' series. After joining the YouTube channel 'Trial and Error' in 2020 as one of the regular cast, Kaki’s performance can easily be found in cinema, on TV, or on the internet.