Date 日期: | 05 - 18 Jan 2021 | |||||||||||||||||
Time 時間: | 12:00am - 5:00pm | |||||||||||||||||
Summary 內容: | 香港是個獨一無二的地方,不論視之為家抑或暫居於此,香港都讓人難以忘懷。近年的社會事件以至反覆未停的新冠肺炎疫情,令我們的日常生活不再日常。 踏入2021年,我們誠邀同學以「親愛的香港」為題,創作文學、影像或音樂作品。藝術創作未必能夠讓一切完美,但我們相信,創作可以讓我們更認識和欣賞自己和這個世界,並為我們的社群帶來正能量。 「親愛的香港」師友計劃為期十星期,參與同學將與導師及組員交流,並在導師指導下完成原創作品。 此計劃由香港大學學生發展及資源中心(通識)與香港大學文學院合辦,並獲大學教育資助委員會撥款的港大知識交流基金資助。 Hong Kong is a place like no other. It leaves an impression on everyone, no matter you treat it as a home or a stopover. From the recent social incidents to the COVID-19 pandemic, the unprecedented challenges caused many changes in our everyday life here. As 2021 unfolds, we invite you to write/film/compose a message to Hong Kong, a place we dearly love. Creating artworks might not be able to make everything perfect, but it is a way for us to better understand and appreciate ourselves and the world around us, and to bring positive energy to our community. During this 10-week mentorship scheme, you will exchange ideas with the mentor and fellow mentees, and create your original artworks under the mentor’s guidance. This project is co-organised by General Education, CEDARS, HKU, and the Faculty of Arts, HKU, and is supported by the HKU Knowledge Exchange Fund granted by the University Grants Committee.
This Mentorship Scheme consists of five groups. Each student can apply for more than one group by completing the respective online application forms. (1) 文學組——中文
(3) 影像組——紀錄片
(4) 影像組——微電影
(5) 音樂組
Bio of Speaker(s) 講者簡介: | Mr. Lawrence Pun (潘國靈先生) 小說家、文化評論人,作品在兩岸三地發表,近著有長篇小說《寫托邦與消失咒》、散文集《消失物誌》、城市論集《事到如今——從千禧年到反送中》。2006年獲亞洲文化協會頒發「利希慎基金獎助金」,翌年赴紐約遊學及參加愛荷華大學「國際寫作計劃」。2007及2011年先後獲香港藝術發展局頒發「傑出青年藝術獎(文學藝術)」及「年度最佳藝術家獎(文學藝術)」。 Mr. Nicholas Wong (黃裕邦先生) Nicholas Wong is the author of Crevasse (Kaya Press, 2015), the winner of the Lambda Literary Award for Gay Poetry, and Besiege Me (Noemi Press, 2021). He is also the recipient of the Australian Book Review’s Peter Porter Poetry Prize. In 2019, his poem has been longlisted for the University of Canberra Vice Chancellor’s International Poetry Prize. His translation of poems by Taiwanese poet Sun Tzu-ping will appear in The Georgia Review Washington Square Review, Cincinnati Review, Black Warrior Review, Colorado Review, and Poetry Northwest. He is an alumnus of the HKU and teaches at the Education University of Hong Kong. IG: @citiesofsameness Mr. Wong Siu Pong (黃肇邦先生) 黃肇邦,2010年畢業於香港樹仁大學新聞與傳播學系。2013年完成首部以基層學童為主題的紀錄長片《子非魚》,影片先後入選多個國際影展,榮獲香港亞洲電影節「亞洲新導演獎」提名及FIRST青年電影展「最佳紀錄片獎」等獎項。2014年憑紀錄短片《延長線》代表香港參加第十四屆威尼斯國際建築雙年展。2016年完成第二部紀錄長片《伴生》,探討長者晚年生活,展現生死矛盾與牽絆,影片榮獲第23屆香港電影評論學會大獎「年度推薦電影」。黄氏曾於鮮浪潮及流動影片節等短片比賽擔任評審,近年積極參與教育工作,先後與西九文化區M+、MaD Asia (創不同)等藝術組織和團體合作,擔任導師和舉行工作坊。 Mr. Ying Liang (應亮先生) 電影導演、教師、評論人及策展人。長片作品有《背鴨子的男孩》、《我還有話要說》、《自由行》,短片作品有《慰問》及《九月二十八日.晴》,曾獲Locarno國際電影最佳導演獎、鹿特丹國際電影節短片老虎獎及金馬獎最佳劇情短片獎,及由香港藝術發展局授予的「2019年度藝術家(電影界別)」等榮譽。 Mr. Kevin Kaho Tsui (徐嘉浩先生) British Hong Kong born & raised songwriter Kevin Kaho Tsui picked up the guitar after graduating from University of Manchester. With influences ranging from The Beatles to Oasis and Cigarettes After Sex, Kevin began his musical journey by posting covers on YouTube, and made his breakthrough with his single ‘Lan Kwai Fong’, shooting onto the local indie music scene. Best known for his deftly crafted lyrics that tackle issues close to the city's heart, the independent songwriter has garnered critical acclaim for self-composed dream pop releases such as 'Dear Carrie' & 'Gone'; currently working on his latest solo EP project, Kevin has been featured at music festivals such as Clockenflap and Freespace Fest, as well as performing as opening act for Danish Rock Band MEW. |