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Global News Chat - Benefits of Artificial Intelligence in Farming
Date 日期:  14 Apr 2020
Time 時間: 4:30pm - 6:00pm
Venue 地點: Zoom Meeting
Speaker(s) 講師: Aman Selarka
Summary 內容: 
The agriculture market is one of the most important industries in the world, but it has been facing increased challenges over the past few decades. With increasing population, and shrinking agricultural sector, it will be difficult to cope with the global demand. But, with new emerging technologies and a data driven approach, the agricultural productivity can be improved. In this session, student host, Aman Selarka will discuss the potential uses of IOT (internet of things) and AI (artificial intelligence) in agriculture to enhance productivity. 

This is part of the Earth Day 50 series co-
organised by CEDARS-GE and the Sustainability Office, HKU. 

Student Host: Aman Selarka (BBA Year 3)
Date: 14/4/2020 (Tue) 
Time: 16:30 – 18:00 (HK Time) 
Venue: To be held virtually by Zoom 
Language: English 
The URL of Zoom meeting will be sent to the registrants prior to the event.