Public Lecture
Date 日期: | 05 Nov 2019 | |
Time 時間: | 7:00pm - 9:00pm | |
Venue 地點: | Rayson Huang Theatre, HKU | |
Medium 語言: | Cantonese | |
Speaker(s) 講師: | 卓韻芝女士 Ms. Vincci Cheuk |
Summary 內容: | 卓韻芝——導演/作家/編劇/演員/棟篤笑藝人/前電台節目主持 潮流興「Slashie斜槓族」,阿芝可以算係斜槓族先鋒,身兼多樣有關創作嘅身份同角色,每個好似都係不停流動,交叉轉換,與上一代人期望嗰種「穩穩定定打份工」嘅狀態完全相反。究竟做Slashie係為咗咩?做Slashie係咪好好玩?做Slashie同佢嘅創作又有咩關係? 創作人身份以外嘅阿芝仲有一個身份——香港人,呢個身份又佔佢人生幾多份量?佢又會點樣睇呢個身份?不如喺呢個風大雨大嘅時刻,一齊同阿芝傾吓偈啦。 呢場係今學期「薄扶林主場」活動系列嘅第三場 (最後一場)。 Vincci Cheuk - Director/ Writer/ Actress/ Stand-up Comedian/ Former Radio Host Vincci Cheuk Wan-chi has often been conceived as one of the pioneers in taking a “slashie” identity. As a creator in various respects, her intertwined identities and roles broke the norms of taking a stable job. What are the incentives for her to be a slashie? How does the slashie identity work with her creativity? Moreover, Vincci takes another rooted identity - Hongkonger. In what ways does the Hongkonger identity mean to her? Let’s take the opportunity in this special moment to chat with Vincci Cheuk. This forum is the third and final session of this semester's “In The House” event series. ▍嘉賓 Guest 卓韻芝女士 Ms. Vincci Cheuk (導演/作家/編劇/跨媒體創作人) 日期 Date:5/11/2019 (Tue) 時間 Time:19:00 – 21:00 地點 Venue:香港大學黃麗松講堂 Rayson Huang Theatre, HKU 語言 Language:廣東話 Cantonese Online Registration (for admission quota) ► HKU Students & Staff: http://bit.ly/2M2WPqI ► Alumni & Public: http://bit.ly/2p9DZoA ► Official confirmation with admission instructions will be sent to all successful registrants by email by 4 Nov (Mon). |