Public Lecture
Date 日期: | 20 - 22 Nov 2019 | |
Time 時間: | 6:45pm - 8:45pm | |
Venue 地點: | KK101, 1/F, K.K. Leung Building | |
Summary 內容: | [15/11/2019] Since the University has announced class suspension for the rest of the semester, the General Education Programme “Love / Be loved. 斜槓的理由,「愛/愛情」?” , which was originally scheduled on 20-22 Nov and hosted by Mr. Edward Lam, will be cancelled. We are sorry for the inconvenience caused. 由於香港大學宣佈停課,原定於11月20至22日,由林奕華先生主持的通識課程“Love / Be loved. 斜槓的理由,「愛/愛情」?”將會取消。 不便之處,敬請見諒。 ===================== 斜槓的理由,「愛/愛情」?To Slash or not to Slash? Love / Be loved. 看到一張臉,想親,是愛?還是愛情? 遇上一首歌,想唱,是愛?還是愛情? 走進一片林,想記住,是愛?還是愛情? 夢到一片天,想分享,是愛?還是愛情? 說到愛/愛情,一條斜槓分開的兩邊,那邊是我?那邊是我們?那邊是你?那邊是他們?那邊是得到?那邊是失去?那邊是依賴?那邊是孤獨?那邊是成就?那邊是成全?那邊是快樂?那邊是幸福? 從電影、文字、音樂、戲劇等等的文化養料中,種出的是向東還是向西靠倚的一朵花?還是一「牆」之隔的兩邊,根本是用同一盤水灌溉的兩生花? 繼上學年的「愛之營火蟲——3天2夜找愛與愛情的亮點」後,林奕華繼續邀請大家參與以愛/愛情作引子的討論: 問題,是哲學的開始,哲學,是「愛」上了智……還是跟「愛智」發生了「愛情」? What’s love / be loved? The beginning of Philosophy is a question. After the “3-Day-2-Night Camp – In Search of Love with Edward Lam” in the last academic year, the veteran theatre director, Mr. Edward Lam, would further invite students to explore “love” with him through the study of movie, literature, music and thetare works. ▍Speaker: 林奕華先生 Mr. Edward Lam (Artistic Director, Edward Lam Theatre; Theatre Director) Dates: 20 – 22/11/2019 (Wed – Fri) CANCELLED Time: 18:45-20:45 Venue: KK101, 1/F, K.K. Leung Building Language: Cantonese (Some audio-visual teaching materials are in Mandarin) Online registration: For HKU students and staff – For alumni and public – |