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Study Tour
Taiwan Elections Study Tour 2020
Date 日期:  07 - 12 Jan 2020
Time 時間: 7:00am - 11:30pm
Venue 地點: Kaohsiung and Taipei, Taiwan
Medium 語言: Mandarin and English
Summary 內容: 台灣大選將於2020年1月11日舉行,來到倒數階段,各政黨無不摩拳擦掌推派總統、副總統及立法委員候選人。民進黨蔡英文宣布競選連任,而被視為親中的高雄市長韓國瑜將代表國民黨參選。

  • 參觀政黨競選總部,探討政綱及觀摩選舉工程
  • 與台灣學者、學生及公民社會交流,討論當下和想像未來
  • 感受造勢晚會氣氛,見證歷史時刻
  • 深入高雄最新藝文場地,觀察昔日民主聖地走向現代的脈絡
  • 走進你所未見的台北,遇見不同的人和故事
Taiwan’s next presidential and legislative elections are scheduled for 11 January 2020. Seeking a second term, President Tsai Ing-wen from the Democratic Progressive Party will face Kuomintang nominee, Han Kuo-yu, who is also the Mayor of Kaohsiung and is known for advocating closer ties with China.
This study tour will guide you to understand Taiwan as it enters the election mode.

Highlights of Taiwan Elections Study Tour 2016: here

Quota: 30

Applicants must have good command of Chinese and English, as well as ability to communicate in Mandarin.

(including a refundable deposit of HK$500 upon satisfactory completion of the programme)
*Fee includes round-trip flight ticket, accommodation, local transportation, costs for scheduled visits and meals

Completion of the programme requires:
  • Full commitment and full attendance in the following
    • Lecture "Critical Juncture in the Taiwan Elections 2020: Retrospect and Prospect" at 6:45 pm - 8:45 pm on 18 Nov 2019 (Mon) 
    • Screening at 7 pm - 9:30 pm on 29 Nov 2019 (Fri) 
    • Briefing at 6:45 pm - 8:45 pm on 20 Dec 2019 (Fri) 
    • All activities at Taipei and Kaohsiung from 7 Jan 2020 (Tue) till 12 Jan 2020 (Sun) 
    • Group presentation at 7 pm – 9:30 pm on 4 Feb 2020 (Tue) 
    • Submission of a group research report of no less than 3,000 English words or 4,000 Chinese words by 5 pm, 30 Jan 2020 (Thu) 
  • Maintaining a high standard of self-discipline and mutual support with other members of the programme
  • Maintaining proper behaviour and conduct, in terms of attitudes, language and dress codes
Students in financial need may apply for a partial waiver.

Online Application (Deadline 5 pm, 31 Oct 2019 (Thu))

To apply, applicants must complete and submit the online form by the deadline.
Applicants who are selected for interview will normally receive an invitation by email within one week from the closing date for application.
Successful applicants will have to pay the fee HK$3,500 (in cash) to CEDARS-GE team by 12 pm, 15 Nov 2019 (Fri).