Public Lecture
Date 日期: | 28 Oct 2019 | |
Time 時間: | 7:00pm - 9:00pm | |
Venue 地點: | Wang Gungwu Lecture Hall, HKU | |
Medium 語言: | Cantonese | |
Speaker(s) 講師: | 鄺俊宇先生 Mr. Roy Kwong |
Summary 內容: | 知唔知咩係「鄺神」呀?「鄺神」以前係「鄺仔」,不過自從佢做咗好多人都估唔到佢會做嘅嘢之後,佢就被稱為「神」⋯⋯之但係,佢又點睇自己係「人」定係「神」呢? 鄺俊宇——街舞王子/文青作家/社工/立法會議員,身份多多,經歷咗幾個月風雨飄搖嘅日子,呢個成日拎住個大聲公走上街頭嘅佢,對自己、對香港、對香港人又有無唔同嘅想法?如果香港是一個標點符號,佢又會覺得係咩呢?背後又有咩原因呢? 呢場係今學期「薄扶林主場」活動系列嘅第二場。 Have you ever heard of “God Kwong”? Roy Kwong Chun-yu has been nicknamed “God Kwong” since he performed unexpected acts for youths in recent movements. Yet, how does he think of such nickname? Roy Kwong possesses multiple identities in Hong Kong – street dancer / novelist / social worker / member of Legislative Council. Through his experiences in past few months, what kinds of thoughts does he want to share with himself and Hongkongers? How would he describe Hong Kong as a punctuation mark and why? This forum is the second session of this semester's “In The House” event series. ▍嘉賓 Guest 鄺俊宇先生 Mr. Roy Kwong (立法會議員/作家/註冊社工) 日期 Date:28/10/2019 (Mon) 時間 Time:19:00 – 21:00 地點 Venue:香港大學王賡武講堂 Wang Gungwu Lecture Hall, HKU 語言 Language:廣東話 Cantonese Online Registration (for admission quota) ► HKU Students & Staff: http://bit.ly/323onSm ► Alumni & Public: http://bit.ly/35kQI8H - - - - - - 鄺俊宇為2019年區議會選舉元朗區北朗選區候選人,同區候選人有譚煒霖。 Kwong Chun-yu is a candidate for Pek Long Constituency of Yuen Long District in the 2019 District Council Election. Other candidate includes Tam Wai-lam August. |