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Public Lecture
Book Talk: The Rock 'n' Roll Spirit of a Writer
Date 日期:  17 Sep 2019
Time 時間: 7:00pm - 8:30pm
Venue 地點: GE Gatherland2046 (2/F, Pao Siu Loong Building)
Summary 內容: 寫小說跟搖滾樂有甚麼關係?兩者看似風馬牛不相及,但文學和音樂卻正正是寫作人張問的重要精神食糧,以驅動寫作,尤其是搖滾樂更是自青少年期一直深深影響著她的思想,深植於她的創作精神之中,及後更催生首部中文短篇小說作品《蜉蝣浪事》。在9月17日的晚上,張問將會分享創作《蜉蝣浪事》的靈感來源和箇中歷程,讓我們一起暢談文學創作、分享搖滾音樂和細說人生夢想,共度一個輕鬆愉快的文藝晚上吧!

《蜉蝣浪事》由通識的F:A:C:E: Subsidy及「香港中華基督教青年會青年理想實踐基金」資助。

The writer will share her writing experience, her thoughts on life and dream and how she got her inspirations for story-writing, with Rock music being a heavy influence.

The Chinese book publication 《蜉蝣浪事》 was supported by the F:A:C:E: Subsidy in 2018-2019 and Foundation of Youth Self-Realisation Scheme, Chinese YMCA of Hong Kong.

Host: Natalie Wong 張問 (LLB, 2018)
Date: 17/9 (Tue)
Time: 19:00 – 20:30
Venue: GE Gatherland2046 (2/F, Pao Siu Loong Building)
Language: Cantonese

Online registration starts at 10:00 on 5/9 (Thu):
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