Public Lecture
Screening of Ryuichi Sakamoto: CODA – The Ultimate Art of Life and Humanism
Date 日期: | 19 Sep 2019 | |
Time 時間: | 6:45pm - 9:30pm | |
Venue 地點: | Yuet Ming Auditorium 月明劇院 | |
Medium 語言: | English | |
Speaker(s) 講師: | Dr. Ng Chun Hung 吳俊雄博士 Dr. Wong Chi Chung Elvin 黃志淙博士 |
Summary 內容: | 《坂本龍一:CODA》Ryuichi Sakamoto: CODA 2017 | 101 min | Dir. Stephen Nomura Schible | In Japanese and English (In Parts) with Chinese and English (In Parts) Subtitles 紀錄片電影《坂本龍一:CODA》主要敘述日本音樂家坂本龍一近年的大事——由3.11地震引發的福島核災、不幸患上癌症而停工、及後籌劃新專輯的過程。當中所展現的不只是坂本龍一視生命為藝術的表現,還有他所持有的人文精神。 「CODA」一字原為音樂術語,意指最終樂章——既是終結亦是開始,時代如是、生命亦如是。面對各種的天災及人禍,以及時代的更替,日本人會以甚麼方式面對?透過放映會及映後談,一起認識這位當代的日本音樂家、探討日本人的生命哲學。 Documentary Ryuichi Sakamoto: CODA depicts the major happenings of Ryuichi Sakamoto, renowned Japanese musician and artist, in recent years – the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster triggered by the 3.11 Tōhoku Earthquake, suffering from cancer, release of new album, etc. Such events not only render the way how Sakamoto correlates life with art, but also the embodying of humanism. Referring to the musical term of movement to the end, “CODA” could be brought to understand “life” and “era”. In what ways do the Japanese confront to various kinds of disasters? Let’s get to know the contemporary artist in Japan, as well as the life philosophies of Japanese people, by this screening and discussion. ▍Speakers of Post-screening Discussion: - Dr. Ng Chun Hung 吳俊雄博士 Honorary Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, HKU - Dr. Wong Chi Chung Elvin 黃志淙博士 Head of General Education, CEDARS, HKU; Veteran Radio DJ Date: 19/9 (Thu) Time: 18:45 - 21:30* Venue: Yuet Ming Auditorium, Chong Yuet Ming Cultural Centre, HKU Language: English * The organiser refuses admission of audience after 7:30p.m. on the screening date. Please be punctual for the event and follow the instructions of the venue. Co-organiser: CYM Cultural Centre, CEDARS Supported by: MOViE MOViE ▍Online registration: HKU Students & Staff-https://hkuems1.hku.hk/hkuems/ec_hdetail.aspx?ueid=67068 Alumni & Public-https://hkuems1.hku.hk/hkuems/ec_hdetail.aspx?guest=Y&ueid=67069 ► Registration Deadline (Guided Tour of CYMCC): 17:00, 18/9 (Wed) ▍For participants who would like to attend the guided tour of CYMCC before the screening event, please: 1) State your preference in the this registration form. 2) Gather at the entrance of Yuet Ming Auditorium, Chong Yuet Ming Cultural Centre, HKU at 5:45 p.m on 19/9/2019. For enquiries regarding the guided tour, please contact CYMCC at 3917 1281 or cymcc@hku.hk |