Date 日期: | 11 Mar 2019 | |
Time 時間: | 12:45pm - 3:30pm | |
Venue 地點: | Haking Wong Podium & GE Gatherland | |
Medium 語言: | Cantonese | |
Speaker(s) 講師: | Dr. Chow Yiu Fai 周耀輝博士 (香港浸會大學人文及創作系副教授、著名詞人及社企「一個人一首歌」發起人) Ms. Vicky Fung 馮穎琪女士 (香港著名唱作人及社企「一個人一首歌」發起人) |
Summary 內容: | 以音樂、文字、影像為媒介的創作計劃,鼓勵大專生走入社區,發掘及描寫手工藝人,以歌曲紀錄城市,讓我們再次看看他們的工藝,聽聽她們的故事,感受為那雙手寫的每一首歌,以此提起大專生對藝術活動的興趣和對社會的關心。學員的創作成果將以巡迴演出、講座及展覽形式等分享。計劃由康樂及文化事務署主辦、社企「一個人一首歌」製作。 It’s all about the searching for the “story” of craftspersons. From woodcraft to blacksmithing, farming to needlework, there were days when we celebrated and lived on craftsmanship. HandiSongs: Tertiary Students’ Musical Tribute to Our City’s Craftspersons encourages participants to create songs for the craftspersons and our city and revitalise these tales through music and creativity. Touring showcases, creation talks and exhibitions will be held to celebrate participants’ creative journeys. The Programme is presented by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department and produced by the social enterprise, "Every Life Is A Song". 詳情 Details: 香港大學 大專巡迴預演 Date: 11/3 (Mon) Time: 12:45 – 14:00 Venue: Haking Wong Podium 黃克競平台 Language: Cantonese Performing Groups: 蜂人院 Kwong Oon Hin HANK 鄺渙軒 (HKAPA) Ho Ching Wai Kallie 何晴煒 (PolyU) Lo Kin Kwan Selina 盧建君 (CityU) 梳乎厘 Lam Chung Nick 林聰 (CityU) Yeung Chung Hei 楊宗熹 (HKU) LI JIAHONG MAY 李嘉紅 (HKBU) Atattooed Hui Ching Yee Jade 許正宜 (HKU) Lam Ho Chun Ogent 林浩晉 (HKDI) Jiarui Li Gerry 李嘉睿 (HKBU) Registration: For HKU students and staff – For alumni and public – 創作講座 Date: 11/3 (Mon) Time: 14:30 – 15:30 Venue: GE Gatherland2046 (2/F, Pao Siu Loong Building) 包兆龍樓2樓GE Gatherland2046 Language: Cantonese Guest Speakers: *Updated 蜂人院 Kwong Oon Hin HANK 鄺渙軒 (HKAPA) Ho Ching Wai Kallie 何晴煒 (PolyU) Lo Kin Kwan Selina 盧建君 (CityU) 梳乎厘 Lam Chung Nick 林聰 (CityU) Yeung Chung Hei 楊宗熹 (HKU) LI JIAHONG MAY 李嘉紅 (HKBU) Atattooed Hui Ching Yee Jade 許正宜 (HKU) Lam Ho Chun Ogent 林浩晉 (HKDI) Jiarui Li Gerry 李嘉睿 (HKBU) Moderators Dr. Chow Yiu Fai 周耀輝博士 (香港浸會大學人文及創作系副教授、著名詞人及社企「一個人一首歌」發起人) Ms. Vicky Fung 馮穎琪女士 (香港著名唱作人及社企「一個人一首歌」發起人) Registration: For HKU students and staff – For alumni and public – 展覽 Date: 11/3 (Mon) – 28/3 (Thu) Opening Hours: Monday to Friday, 09:30 – 18:15 開放時間: 星期一至五,09:30 – 18:15 Venue: GE Gatherland (2/F, Pao Siu Loong Building) 包兆龍樓2樓 GE Gatherland |