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The Implementation of OCTS: constitutional duty and human rights
Date 日期:  26 Feb 2019
Time 時間: 6:45pm - 8:45pm
Venue 地點: CYPP3, Chong Yuet Ming Physics Building, HKU
Medium 語言: Cantonese (simultaneous interpretation will be provided upon request by 19/2)
Speaker(s) 講師: Hon Regina Ip 葉劉淑儀議員
Hon Dennis Kwok 郭榮鏗議員
Mr. James Tien 田北俊先生
Moderator: Mr. Jasper Tsang 曾鈺成先生
Summary 內容: 《基本法》23條立法涉及保障國家安全和人權之間的平衡,過去香港社會未曾就以上問題找到各方接受的平衡點。近年,部分意見指23條立法具迫切性,特區應盡快履行憲制責任;但社會上亦同時有人提出,普選同樣是特區政府憲制責任,應盡早落實。特區政府強調重啟討論需看社會條件,然而何謂有利的社會條件?我們又應如何處理民生與政治之間的優次問題?
The legislation regarding Article 23 of the Basic Law involves the balance between the protection of national security and the manifestation of rights and freedoms. Over the years, Hong Kong society has been unable to find an equilibrium accepted by all parties. In recent years, some have voiced the opinion that the Article 23 legislation is an urgent matter and that the HKSAR should fulfil its constitutional duties as soon as possible; others contend that universal suffrage is as important a constitutional duty for the HKSAR Government (HKSARG) and should be enacted without undue delay. The HKSARG stresses that the relaunch of discussions depends on social conditions – but what exactly are they? How should we manage the prioritisation between people’s livelihoods and political issues?
Analysing this issue from the legal and political perspectives, our guests will talk about questions concerning the principles of the Article 23 legislation, the relationship between the International Bill of Human Rights and the Basic Law, the difficulties that the HKSAR faces in the implementation of its Basic Law constitutional duties, and the promotion of constitutional reform, as well as the timing, conditions, and room for relaunching the Article 23 legislation and political reform.

For HKU students and staff –
For alumni and public –

General Education, Centre of Development and Resources for Students, The University of Hong Kong
Law Association, HKUSU
Hong Kong Vision Project, HKPRI

Bio of Speaker(s) 講者簡介: Hon Regina Ip 葉劉淑儀議員 (Members of the Executive and Legislative Councils; Chair, New People's Party)
Hon Dennis Kwok 郭榮鏗議員 (Member of the Legislative Council)
Mr. James Tien
 田北俊先生 (Honorary Chairman, Liberal Party) 
Moderator: Mr. Jasper Tsang 曾鈺成先生 (Vice Chairman of HKPRI and Convenor of Hong Kong Vision Project; Former President of LegCo)