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News & Events

Outdoor event
Silent Art Fair – Inspiration from Tea, Drum & Singing Bowls
Date 日期:  14 Feb 2019
Time 時間: 12:30pm - 4:30pm
Venue 地點: Haking Wong Podium & Bricks Wall, Centennial Garden
Speaker(s) 講師: Tsang Man Tung 曾文通 (Scenographer & Himalayan Singing Bowl Performer)
Lam Tsan Tong Mavis 林灒桐 (Pipa Musician)
Wong Ying Shirley 黃瀅 (Yoga Therapy Teacher)
法鼓山茶隊、法鼓山禪鼓隊 (Volunteers of Tea Cha and Drumming, Dharma Drum Mountain Hong Kong Centre)
Summary 內容: GE2018-43B
禪藝不說話 Silent Art Fair

在港大百周年花園草地,享受一個寧靜的下午,有音樂、頌缽、瑜伽、經行、擊鼓、茶湯、吹風……參加者只需靜靜的跟隨,不用擔心懂不懂,只要打開心讓自己參與,以感官學習培養敏銳的心; 即所謂「學習不說話,不說話學習。」
Let’s enjoy a silent afternoon with music, singing bowls, yoga, walking, drumming, tea cha and the outside air at the Centennial Garden. You don’t have to worry about whether you understand or not. You just need to open your heart and participate. Learn not to speak and practice silence.
Artists and Supporting Team: 
Tsang Man Tung 曾文通 (Scenographer & Himalayan Singing Bowl Performer)
Lam Tsan Tong Mavis 林灒桐 (Pipa Musician)
Wong Ying Shirley 黃瀅 (Yoga Therapy Teacher)
法鼓山茶隊、法鼓山禪鼓隊 (Volunteers of Tea Cha and Drumming, Dharma Drum Mountain Hong Kong Centre)
Date: 14/2 (Thu)
Time: 12:30 – 16:30
Venue: Haking Wong Podium & Bricks Wall, Centennial Garden 

Date 日期Time 時間Venue 地點Activity 活動
Haking Wong Podium 黃克競平台
Singing bowls / drumming experience
頌缽 / 禪鼓體驗
From Haking Wong Podium to Centennial Garden
Walking / playing singing bowl
頌缽 / 經行
Centennial Garden 百周年花園

Playing singing bowl / drum / pipa / walking / yoga* / tea cha
頌缽 / 禪鼓 / 琶琵 / 經行 / 瑜伽*/ 茶飲
16:00-16:30Centennial Garden 百周年花園Closing ceremony
*You may bring your own yoga mat. 參加者可自備瑜伽墊。

The organiser reserves the right, without prior notice, to change the time and content of, and arrangement for, the event. 主辦機構保留更改活動時間、內容及安排的決定權而毋須另行通知。

Online registration starts at 10:00 on 18/1 (Fri):
For HKU students and staff –  
For alumni and public – 

Dharma Drum Mountain Hong Kong Centre