Date 日期: | 02 - 04 Mar 2019 | |
Time 時間: | 12:30pm - 5:30pm | |
Venue 地點: | Kadoorie Centre, Shek Kong | |
Speaker(s) 講師: | 林奕華先生 Mr. Edward Lam (「非常林奕華」藝術總監,劇場導演) |
Summary 內容: | 3-Day-2-Night Camp – In Search of Love with Edward Lam 愛之營火蟲——3天2夜找愛與愛情的亮點 是什麼讓愛‧情總是淚崩耳鳴、心裂膽驚? 你要轟轟烈烈還是細水長流,流水行雲抑或披荊斬棘? 學校沒有愛‧情課,誰能來設計愛‧情的課綱與教材? 林奕華誠邀暗戀、熱戀、失戀中的你,帶同啟蒙你愛‧情生活的電影、文字、音樂、影像、食物,一同在不一定有螢火蟲的營地裡,分享、辯證、觀察、創造,嘗試在3天2夜裡經驗一次自我成蟲的蛻變。 密切留意,比暗戀對象回眸一笑更驚艷的嘉賓不日公佈。 Schools teach knowledge. Yet love is a topic that has always been missing from our curriculum… So, what is love? Why and how do we love? Mr. Edward Lam, the veteran theatre director invites you to join the pre-talk and 3-day-2-night camp for an exploration of love through his and your most inspired and loved movies, literature, music, videos, and food. I. Pre-talk 番外篇:「愛之營火蟲」營前索驥 Date: 23/1 (Wed) Time: 19:00 – 21:00 Venue: KB223, 2/F, Knowles Building Language: Cantonese (Simultaneous interpretation will be provided upon request by 16 Jan.) Online registration (starts on 8/1): For HKU students and staff: https://hkuems1.hku.hk/hkuems/ec_regform.aspx?ueid=61741 For alumni and public: https://hkuems1.hku.hk/hkuems/ec_regform.aspx?guest=Y&ueid=61742 II. Camp:愛之營火蟲——3天2夜找愛與愛情的亮點 )*HKU students only* Dates & Time: 12:30, 2/3 (Sat) – 17:30, 4/3 (Mon) Venue: Kadoorie Centre, Shek Kong Quota: 30 Fee: $300 Language: Cantonese Extended Application Deadline: 17:00, 25 Feb Speical Guests 嘉賓公布: 袁詠儀 Anita Yuen(演員/藝人) 張智霖 Chi-lam Cheung(演員/藝人) 張國穎 Margaret Cheung (演員/歌者) 鄭君熾 Jordan Cheng(演員/歌者) 林俊浩 Ivanhoe Lam (編舞家/劇場導演) 鄧達智 William Tang(時裝設計師/美食達人/作家/旅遊家) Schedule 日程: 2/3 (Sat) 林奕華: 《最愛愛情電影逐部數》 袁詠儀、張智霖:《公主遇上王子(快樂地生活下去及以後)》 3/3 (Sun) 林奕華:《由情書到情詩》 林俊浩:《兩個人才跳得成的探戈,及其他》 張國穎、鄭君熾:《為誰唱情歌》 4/3 (Mon) 鄧達智:《一家之煮》 林奕華:《二人前,或一人一爐》 Register for the Camp (HKU students only) at GE office (2/F, Pao Siu Loong Building) on or before 25 Feb. |