Call for Entries
Date 日期: | 31 - 28 Jan 2019 | |
Time 時間: | 5:00pm - 5:00pm | |
Summary 內容: | Call for Entries – ‘Tribute to Hong Kong Writers: Yasi, Liu Yichang and Jin Yong On Love and Passion – Between Reality and Myth’ Exhibition 「向香港作家致意:與也斯、劉以鬯、金庸談情——城市蒼茫 江湖滾滾」展覽作品徵集 看透人間滋味和人情曲折的也斯、在喧囂都市裏描畫錯綜複雜情感的劉以鬯、創造江湖寫盡英雄俠義兒女情長的金庸,透過他們書寫的人書寫的事,在不同的文學版圖上投注下時間、創造力與愛。 2019年2月至3月,三場紀錄片放映及映後談,以及為期兩星期的展覽,將帶我們經歷一段近代香港文壇歷程,與嘉賓細訴對文學的情、對城市的情、對三位已故文學大師的情。 任城市遞嬗、歲月變遷,讓我們相信自己還有能力去愛。 主辦單位現就展覽徵集作品。如果你對於今年的主題「情」有所感興,請將它化成攝影作品,並於截止日期前提交。獲選的優秀作品將於香港大學展出。 本活動由書送快樂、香港大學學生發展及資源中心(通識),以及香港大學文學院合辦,並由香港大學比較文學系協力支持。 主題:情 規格:攝影作品。作品尺寸須為75 x 55 cm,可縱向或橫向。數碼檔案須為300dpi高解析度的RGB JPEG 格式,大小須為3MB至5MB內。 提交作品方法:參加者請填妥網上表格並上載作品。 截止提交日期:2019年1月31日(星期四)下午5時 如有查詢,請與梁小姐聯絡 (電郵: leunglsc@hku.hk)。 Love has always been prevalent in literature. As literary eminences in Hong Kong, Yasi, Liu Yichang, and Jin Yong set a transcendent value on love through their characters and stories. They left us timeless insights on love and passion. Come pay tribute to them through an exhibition, documentary screenings and discussions in February and March 2019. Let’s talk about love – our love for literature, for the city, and for the three late literary masters. The co-organisers are calling for entries for the exhibition themed ‘Love and Passion’ to serve as part of the commemoration of Yasi, Liu Yichang and Jin Yong. Participants are invited to observe the world within and around them, and unleash their creativity in translating their inspirations into photography. The co-organisers will showcase the selected photographs at the exhibition at HKU. The event is co-organised by Read-Cycling, the General Education, CEDARS, HKU, the Faculty of Arts, HKU, and supported by the Department of Comparative Literature, HKU. Theme: Love and Passion Specifications: Photography. Size of the work should be 75 x 55 cm, in either portrait or landscape orientation. Digital file should be 300dpi in high-resolution RGB JPEG format and 3MB – 5MB in size. Submission: Participants can fill in the online form and upload the work. Submission Deadline: 5 pm, 31/1/2019 (Thu) For enquiries, please contact Ms Leung (email: leunglsc@hku.hk). 參考作品 References: 也斯: .潮流和標準不斷變化 雅芝竹經過那麼多 知道人情曲折,勢利或善美 他相信自己還有能力去愛 ——《雅芝竹》 .人情有味道,甘苦在心頭。——《人間滋味》 劉以鬯: .錯綜複雜的情感,猶如萬花筒,轉一轉,變一變,沒有兩種相同 ——《酒徒》 .燈光如小偷般隱匿於燈罩背後,幽暗的迷漫中,無需膽量,即會產生浪漫的懷思。——《酒徒》 金庸: .情隨人生,只要有人,便即有情。——《神鵰俠侶》 .情深意真,豈在醜俊?千山萬水,苦隨君行。——《書劍恩仇錄》 |