Date 日期: | 07 Nov 2018 | |
Time 時間: | 5:00pm - 6:45pm | |
Venue 地點: | Yuet Ming Auditorium, 5/F, CYMCC, HKU (香港大學莊月明文化中心5樓月明劇院) | |
Medium 語言: | Cantonese | |
Speaker(s) 講師: | Ms. Josephine Siao 蕭芳芳女士 |
Summary 內容: | ***Registration quota is full. Successful registrants will receive a confirmation email from gened@hku.hk by 6 pm on 5 Nov 2018 (Mon). Registrants who fail to present that confirmation email or follow the rules set out in the email will not be admitted.*** 「芳」齡71歲的蕭芳芳女士如何在學習中掙扎? 由6歲當童星開始演藝生涯,於60年代與陳寶珠、薛家燕等粵語片女演員結拜為七公主,在當紅時暫別影壇遠赴美國留學,畢業後以奇特形象創造家傳戶曉的角色「林亞珍」,1995年憑《女人四十》成為大滿貫影后。她以個人影響力創立護苗基金,推動保護兒童免受性侵犯。 這是蕭芳芳雙耳失聰後首場面對現場觀眾的訪談,讓我們把聲音化成文字和肢體語言,與她談笑風生,一同窺探蕭芳芳傳奇往事,探討她對香港不同時代的象徵意義,從她身上學習人生應如何活得精彩。 這場講座是本學期《大學問》的第六節。 At the age of 71, how does Josephine Siao struggle with her ceaseless learning? From the age of six, Siao was moving people to tears and laughter with films. She was one of the Seven Princesses formed in 1960s along with actresses Connie Chan and Nancy Sit, etc. Despite the fame, she walked away from her promising career to pursue studies in the US. After her graduation, Siao created the very popular comic character Lam Ah-chun. She achieved international recognition with the film Summer Snow (1995) which won her best actress awards. Siao founded the End Child Sexual Abuse Foundation with the aim of raising public awareness of the issue. This is the first live interview with audience since Siao has hearing loss in both ears. Let’s convert our voice to text and body language. We will look into Siao’s legendary past, explore her significance to Hong Kong, and discuss how to live an amazingly wonderful life. This is the sixth episode of Hall of Wisdom in the First Semester, 2018 – 2019. Moderators: Mr. Edward Lam 林奕華先生 (「非常林奕華」藝術總監、劇場導演) Mr. Law Wing Chung 羅永聰先生 (公共事務顧問、前財政司司長政治助理) Registration: HKU students & staff: https://hkuems1.hku.hk/hkuems/ec_regform.aspx?ueid=59324 Registration quota for HKU alumni & public is full. |
Bio of Speaker(s) 講者簡介: | 七十一「壯」齡。 六歲開始工作(當演員),21歲退休,赴美求學,25歲帶着學士學位殺回香港,再次墮落影圈,摸爬滾打。勇奪15個──平常不睬你的人卻突然跟你say hello的──「最佳演員獎」。 為了創辦「護苗基金」,拿下兒童心理學碩士,從此瞓身保護兒童免被性侵犯。 |