Public Lecture
Date 日期: | 26 Oct - 23 Nov 2018 | |
Time 時間: | 7:00pm - 8:30pm | |
Venue 地點: | Gatherland (2/F, Pao Siu Loong Building) | |
Speaker(s) 講師: | Dr. Prasanna Karhade |
Summary 內容: | Flowers of the Sun It is about the cycle of life—a seed planted grows into a plant and eventually blossoms, creating a seed of its own. It embodies a Jungian reading reflective of the psychological process of Individuation through which the different parts of the psyche are integrated. Reflective of the creative process and personal growth/ evolution, this collaboration, cutting across time and space is as much about process as product. This is a collaborative art project between a poet and an architect/graphics artist who did not meet in person till after the project was completed. Artists: Dr. Prasanna Karhade Assistant Professor, Faculty of Business and Economics, HKU Ms. Jaskaran Chauhan Toronto and Chandigarh based Writer, Artist and Architect Opening Reception/ Discussion Collaboration . Art . Technology Speaker: Dr. Prasanna Karhade Date: 26/10/2018 (Fri) Time: 19:00 – 20:30 Language: English Registration: For HKU students and staff: For alumni and public: |