Date 日期: | 29 Oct 2018 | |
Time 時間: | 7:00pm - 9:00pm | |
Venue 地點: | Yuet Ming Auditorium, 5/F, CYMCC, HKU (香港大學莊月明文化中心5樓月明劇院) | |
Medium 語言: | Cantonese | |
Speaker(s) 講師: | Mr. Richard Li 李澤楷先生 |
Summary 內容: | ***There will be no walk-in arrangement and live broadcast for this talk. An episode of “Hall of Wisdom: Richard Li” will be broadcast at RTHK TV 31 (Nov 11, 10pm) and TVB Jade (Nov 14, 6pm).*** 李澤楷,香港富商李嘉誠幼子,雖然家族財雄勢大,但李澤楷選擇自立門戶,涉足金融服務、科技、多媒體、通訊及房地產,對這些行業有自己獨特的見解。這次李澤楷與香港新一代對話,透過分享自己和家人的關係,讓我們更了解這位大亨的心路,以及從香港商界角度前瞻整個社會的發展前景。 這場講座是本學期《大學問》的第四節。 Richard Li is the younger son of Hong Kong’s richest billionaire Li Ka-shing and chairs Asia-based investment company Pacific Century Group. Despite his rich and powerful family background, Li chooses to stand on his own feet and established his own business in financial services, technology, media and telecommunications, and real estate. In this talk, he will look forward to the development prospects of this city from the perspective of a Hong Kong entrepreneur. This is the fourth episode of Hall of Wisdom in the First Semester, 2018 – 2019. Moderator: Mr. Law Wing Chung 羅永聰先生 Venue Partner: Chong Yuet Ming Cultural Centre, Centre of Development and Resources for Students, The University of Hong Kong Registration: ***The registration quota is full. Successful registrants will receive a confirmation email from by 5 pm on 24 Oct 2018 (Wed). Registrants who fail to present that confirmation email or follow the rules set out in the email will not be admitted.*** HKU students & staff: |
Bio of Speaker(s) 講者簡介: | 李澤楷是盈科拓展集團創辦人、主席兼行政總裁──集團於1993年成立,業務涉足金融服務、科技、多媒體、通訊及房地產。 1990年,李先生成立亞洲首項以衛星傳送的有線電視服務衛星電視,其後於2003年推出IPTV服務nowTV。 盈科拓展集團於2010年透過柏瑞投資進入資産管理業務;於2013年成立富衛集團打入保險業界,目前業務遍佈亞洲八大市場。 李先生於2011年獲得Cable & Satellite Broadcasting Association of Asia頒發終身成就獎,亦是美國華盛頓策略及國際研究中心國際委員會的成員。 |