Public Lecture
Date 日期: | 27 Sep 2018 | |
Time 時間: | 7:00pm - 8:30pm | |
Venue 地點: | CPD-3.04, 3/F, Run Run Shaw Tower, Centennial Campus, HKU | |
Speaker(s) 講師: | 吳安儀女士 Ms. Ng On Yee |
Summary 內容: | 成功一定有方法,失敗也有原因,最重要是如何在兩者之間找到關鍵! 享受過程,才會做得好;輸,也是一個學習過程,跟勁敵對戰,可一邊向他們學習,一邊進步。漸漸,人就會學懂享受挑戰、放開贏輸,不再被挫敗和情緒打倒。保持正面的心態,只跟自己作比較,不斷追求進步,從此你就能愈戰愈勇。 說到底,成功和戰績是要用汗水和努力創造的。 While there are always reasons for success and failure, the most important thing is to search for the essence in the process. Only when we enjoy the process can we give the best of ourselves and keep learning and improving despite set-backs and failures. The harder you fall, the stronger you become! After all, the only person to compete with is yourself, and the sweat and tears we shed build our own future success. Co-organiser: Fubon Bank Speaker: 吳安儀女士 Ms. Ng On Yee Hong Kong Snooker Player; WLBS reigning World Champion and World No. 1 Moderator: 張天秀先生 Mr. Baniel Cheung Adjunct Assistant Professor, Faculty of Business and Economics; and Honorary Assistant Professor, Faculty of Arts, HKU Date: 27/9 (Thu) Time: 19:00 – 20:30 Venue: CPD-3.04, Centennial Campus Language: Cantonese (simultaneous interpretation will be provided upon request by 20/9) Online registration: For HKU students and staff: For alumni and public: |