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Hall of Wisdom: True or False by John Tsang
Date 日期:  13 Sep 2018
Time 時間: 7:00pm - 9:00pm
Venue 地點: Yuet Ming Auditorium, CYMCC, HKU
Medium 語言: Cantonese
Speaker(s) 講師: Mr. John Tsang 曾俊華先生
Summary 內容: 曾俊華,香港回歸以來任期最長的財政司司長,也是歷屆行政長官選舉以來最獲民意支持卻落選的候選人。他在思想開放的美國接受教育,卻是最保守的財政司。他曾經是離地的高官,後來卻成為最貼地的特首候選人。哪一個才是真正的曾俊華呢?《大學問》邀請曾俊華先生分享他的人生點滴,透過和年輕人的對話,反思香港未來。

John Tsang was the longest-serving Financial Secretary in Hong Kong. During his 2017 Chief Executive candidacy, Tsang was popular with the people but not the voters. He was educated in the U.S., yet his approach in handling Hong Kong’s fiscal reserves was considered as conservative. He was once regarded as an official with his head in the clouds, but also the most down-to-earth CE contender. Which one is the ‘real’ John Tsang?
This is the second episode of Hall of Wisdom in the First Semester, 2018 – 2019.

Moderator: Mr. Law Wing Chung 羅永聰先生
Venue Partner: Chong Yuet Ming Cultural Centre, Centre of Development and Resources for Students, The University of Hong Kong

Please refer to the map for the event venue, Yuet Ming Auditorium, CYMCC, HKU.

Registration starts at 10:00 on 29/8 (Wed):
***The registration quota is full.
Successful registrants will receive a confirmation email from by 5 pm on 12 Sep 2018 (Wed). Registrants who fail to present that confirmation email or follow the rules set out in the email will not be admitted.***

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Bio of Speaker(s) 講者簡介: 曾俊華先生在中學階段曾就讀香港喇沙書院和美國紐約的史岱文森高中 (Stuyvesant High School),中學畢業後,他在麻省理工學院攻讀建築學,其後繼續進修,先後獲得波士頓州立學院 (Boston State College) 的雙語教育碩士學位和哈佛大學甘迺迪公共行政學院 (Kennedy School of Government) 的公共行政碩士學位。
曾先生於1982年加入香港政府,回歸後,他曾出任海關關長、規劃地政局局長、工商及科技局局長、行政長官辦公室主任,並自2007年起出任財政司司長,2017年離職競選特首落敗。曾先生現為資訊科技公司Benefit Vantage Limited(BVL)主席,並正在成立非牟利機構Esperanza。曾先生已婚,兩名子女已成年,並有三名孫兒。