Date 日期: | 18 Nov 2016 | |
Time 時間: | 7:00pm - 9:00pm | |
Venue 地點: | Wang Gungwu Lecture Hall, Graduate House, HKU | |
Medium 語言: | Cantonese (simultaneous interpretation will be provided upon request by 11/11) | |
Speaker(s) 講師: | 陳幼堅先生 Mr. Alan Chan 梁展邦先生 Mr. Michael Leung 陳凱納小姐 Miss Rony Chan |
Summary 內容: | 環顧四周,你看到的商標,都可能出自他的手筆。本着對美的追求、對優質生活的嚮往,陳幼堅數十年來創作出別具個人風格、概念創新、糅合東西文化的作品,成為蜚聲國際的設計大師。已達殿堂級的他,把「分享」視作自己的人生使命,今次將連同兩名本地年輕設計師,一同與你談生活、藝術、設計和美。 港大通識與香港電台電視部合作,推出一系列《大學問》講座。《大學問》精華版將於2016年11月16日起逢星期三下午六時無綫電視翡翠台播映,而足本版將於2017年3月起逢星期一晚上九時港台電視31播映。 The well-known Hong Kong designer Alan Chan, together with young designers Michael Leung and Rony Chan, will tell us the history and way forward of the design industry, creative industry as well as education in Hong Kong. Co-presented by HKU GE and RTHK, the lecture series Hall of Wisdom will bring masters from different sectors to HKU. The half-hour highlights of Hall of Wisdom will be broadcast every Wednesday at 18:00 on TVB Jade starting 16/11/2016 (Wed), while the full versions will be broadcast every Monday at 21:00 on RTHK TV 31 starting March 2017. Registration: For HKU students and staff: For alumni and public: |
Bio of Speaker(s) 講者簡介: | 陳幼堅先生 Mr. Alan Chan(設計師、品牌顧問及藝術家、陳幼堅設計公司創辦人) 梁展邦先生 Mr. Michael Leung(設計師) 陳凱納小姐 Miss Rony Chan(設計師) |